ehh, this discussion would be for another post... i understand what you are saying... and i belive you... but belive me.. IM DONE.... i have other plans in life that can not and do not involve the Corps. it just has to be. Grant
Just brought it home today. Brand new 16+2 PJ, 7K pound, treated wood deck, brakes on both axles, and removable fenders. The only thing i dont like is the bulldog coupler, but i can deal with it for the price i paid. Tows real nice, and best of all it fits in my driveway. An 18+2 would have been nice, but this will work great.
that is a nice trailer. i need another little bumper pull. i miss mine for small jobs. i know JUST what you are sayign about the bull dog hitch. i HATED mine. never again. pintle or ball, nothing else. Grant
Here is the Interstate 20'x8' enclosed trailer that I pull for our church. It has a 3' beavertail on the inside, fold down HD rampdoor, side access door, 10kGVW and brakes on Both axles. We also installed E-Track on the inside to help with tying things down. Trailer pulls real nice.
Two horse trailer bumper pull with two storage compartments for feed and saddles/clothing,I need a trailer for by Bronco but cant decide on goose neck or bumper pull.
I've got that and a little popup tent trailer. I'd kinda like to get a LONG bumper pull to get the tent trailer on the deck with the Jeep (Jeep is mostly a K30--Jeep in frame/tub/title only) item.
I tow a 48' Take 3 car hauler, a 1995 23' Imperial open trailer, and a 2006 26' Team Spirit enclosed race car trailer.
i pull a 20 ft. flat deck 4 ft. tail gooseneck deck over, the best trailer i have ever bought. i would never go back to bumper pull