anybody having issues with this ultra low sulphur diesel we're having pumped down our tanks? i have two diesel rigs and definitely notice a difference in performance. i live in las vegas and have no choice in town. i have to go over a hundred miles out of town just to get regular low sulphur diesel instead of ultra low. are there any additives to cure this issue or am i SOL?
There are a few additives out there that help out. Not sure of exactally what im usin in mine but it does help. Just look on the shelf at a truck stop. Some are for anti gelling (cold weather) and some are for octane boost just look at the bottles. They have additives there. I have also found that bio makes my truck run better than the new SLSD so you may want to try and find some bio.
I HIGHLY recommend this. I have been using it in mine, and have 2 customers that have already gone through a case each. They love it, even better than the Lucas Oil stuff they used to run.
Amsoil came out with a new ULSD additive. I run it and haven't really seen a drop in mileage over the old fuel. Also, I don't think it is worth anything to drive someplace to fuel up, as I think the whole country is ULSD.:doah:
Dont go to Mobil they already are running the 15 PPM Crap. I found a mom and pop place that still has the 500ppm and they are a truck stop so the fuel does not sit in their tanks long.
Thats not true at all! By law they halfto post it. even Diesel Power .Power chalange hade an Coment about that in this months issue. I just toped off yesterday and it was the 500ppm Fuel . I keep a Close Eye on what I put in My truck. May be in Your area but not where iam at .Yet.F/P
Not true. The two places I routinelt fill up in Tucson are still 500. Stickers says so & that newer vehicles shouldn't run it.
Hmm, haven't seen anything but ULSD here in California, and was supposed to be country wide. Good for you guys then!
All refineries making diesel are limited to no more than 4 -5 ppm sulfur, or face epa shutdown. I've had conversations about this with valero, chevron, motiva, and BP, and they all said the same thing. sunoco won't even bother making diesel because compliance is so costly. it is possible to see 500 ppm sulfur fuel out there, and that just comes from the fuel picking up whatever sulfur there is remaining in the pipeline. nobody is specifically making high sulfur fuel anymore. eventually, off road fuel, including locomotive & marine bunker fuels will all be subject to the 15ppm upper limit for sulfur anyway, so as far as the refiners are concerned, their job is done, and when the off road standards kick in, they'll be already making the spec fuel. If you are able, try and get the fuel tested, and see what you get.. I've found sulfur contents as low as 4ppm with one of my school bus customers. remember, the sulfur ppm numbers you see on the pumps are upper limits, and not minimum levels, so unless you know for sure, it's hard to say whay you really have. Tom
ya man thats not too cool, i thought it was jjust me but i havent had time to ask around, but i have defently notice a rob of power with the 15PPM ultra low. I own a construction company and i can still get 500PPM and ultra high (off road). maybe you should find some friends or somehting who do construction haha, but then agian im not sure any of the regulations there. All im worried about is what is that 15PPM is doing to my motor if it was designed to run on 500PPM. Big-D the camo kid