Anyone have any experience with any of the KORE suspension systems. I am looking into either the leveling kit or possibly the recon series suspension.
Yes definitely expensive... but worth it in my mind. I made the mistake of buying a revtek spacer leveling kit which gave me death wobble and ruined my ride and stability on the highway. Shoulda' bought the nice one in the 1st place :doah:
They aren't that bad price wise. You should also check out Thuren, Carli, and Lorenz. I've heard good things about all of them. Here are the websites: I've heard the best stuff about Don Thuren, and most people say to give him a call and he will help you find what you need.
Kore is nice, but after their latest price increase I am really not sure how many I expect to sell. Getting downright spendy. Sure are nice units though.
ben just get the leveling kit remember when we talked about the parking garage situation if you were to lift it i want to just level mine out. but i wont use the revtek cause of the issues you went through. let me know what happens?
yeah i got a price quote from a shop down here they want 895 out the door installed for the leveling kit and 1880 for the recon
We paid 1950 or so for our Chase, then we installed it ourselves. It was not hard. All you need is a Saturday and a friend to help.
Do you need a coil spring compressor or anything? Because i don't have one haha... but i do have a friend's house to go over to on a saturday to do it. How are the instructions? Also, Diesel Nut, how much could i get the recon for through you?
I was thinking about getting a leveling kit for my 05 Dodge 2500. My only concern is that it will point the nose way up in the air when I try to haul something. Should I be concerned about this?
not unless it is really dramatic and then in that case just buy air bags for the rear and you'll have a sick lookin truck whilst towing something
yeah my front end was a bit higher then the back when i was towing w/ the old leveling kit... didnt really bother me at all but if it bugs you just get some bags like brandon said.
so i ended up forking over the $ to get the recon installed by a local shop. and the system is totally worth the money rides way better on the freeway and looks awesome. very satisfiedimp:
I know there is a thread going on at pirate on Kore some like it some dont but in classic pirate fashion its a flame but seems to have some truth and relavance to it.Over four pages long so read with a grain of salt on some of these posts
We ended up going up to Autozone and getting one, because we couldn't drop the axle far enough to get the replacement springs in, but it only takes a deposit of $20 or so that you get back when you return it. The instructions weren't bad at all. Sorry I took so long to reply to this. I was at Snowshoe in WV snowboarding for the weekend.
i cant believe a leveling kit is 800 bucks! i paid $75 for mine, and $150 to gte it installed....what all do u get for that 800 plus dollars?!
well... it looks like you have a ford... the spacer style leveling kits work fine w/ those trucks but w/ the dodge 4link front end, the spacers really mess with the ride quality... and they contribute to the death wobble. the kore kit gives you progressive coil springs which helps your ride quality a lot and you get bilsteins.