So I've perused the diesel magazines, talked to shops and friends but still can't settle on what upgrades to buy for my 05 Dodge Ram CTD dually. Basically, my fear is that putting a chip in it, or any upgrade other than an air filter, is gonna overwhelm the stock automatic. I don't need a blown tranny on the road. Basically all I want is better fuel economy and some extra power for passing. Can anyone advise?
from what i understand the tow modes on almost all that i havew seen give ya 30-60hp gain and its not suppose to screw up your tranny. some of the other guys on here have are a lil more informed on this subject...i dont have a auto, 6 speed here. i have the basic upgrades of power programmer, air intake and exhaust system on my truck. works fine for me and have had no probs yet
Most Chips out there will work fine...Just be smart and dont run it in the top level towing a trailer and dont power brake the thing too much either. Running a chip in one of the lower levels (like Tow mode) will be fine on the trans.
For chips and such there are possibilities. The Smarty and the Bully Dog are good tuners capable of both mileage and power increases. So is the Diablosport. Your stock transmission can be beefed up a little bit for free if you want to take the time to do it. Mostly, towing is great for autos because the throttle position keeps the internal pressures up. I just serviced and tweaked an 06 wit 80k miles on it. guy hauls Cars for a living.
Edge is a decent, midrange power adder. Really, depending on the year there are usually better ways to go for performance. For the guy wanting it to run good for a fair price, Edge Rocks! If you want all out power, I have other options!:stir:
I have a fully modified engine with bigger injectors in my Ford F 550. I know my transmission does not like it but it has survived since November eventually I am going to have it rebuilt with billet internals. You will be fine adding a chip, intake and exhaust. Just make sure you have gauges and don't let the tranny heat up over 200. Also you can get a tranny cooler to help prevent the tranny from blowing up. - Andrew
For this application, I think the best bet is the TST. Built in gauges, cool down timer (perfect for shutting down while loaded), economy setting and great fuel mileage at any level. I used one with my 2003 tow rig and got excellent mileage driving like a bat outta hell. Just set it at about 1x1 or 2x2 and you will do perfect. The Smarty would be my next choice, due to the timing. On ly reason its not out front is its spendy and does not have guages and the other cool stuff. For all out power, well, a few more items!rotfl
Sooner or later the tranny will blow I say upgrade the torque converter,larger cooler and a shift kit.
Like I said, there are a few things you can do for free to help your transmission. I agree on doing the converter and VB is your budget allows for it. Don't forget about Synthetic oils. Amsoil has been proven to reduce operating temps and increase mileage and power. Also, with extended drains, its a great way to reduce downtime and the costs associated with more frequent servicing.
I ran an Edge's stuff in my Dodges. In my 99 I ran the EZ, 4" exh, and an Afedrop in filter. Power was good and it really helped the fuel economy.
1. Single or dual exhaust upgrade w/ATS 2 piece manifold 2. ATS transmission cooler(new product, might not be on the site yet) 3. ATS torque converter 4. Fluidampr 5. Snow Performance Boost Cooler 6. Nitrous Express or ZEX 2 stage NOX After all that you may not need a chip. But if you still feel the need, look at the Striker1 10-function programmer. It doesn't leave a trace on your ECU for the stealership to find; Part #64071 for your truck