I bought Mikes old trailer off him for the salvage value after it got hit last summer by a drunk driver. I'm sure he has pics of the aftermath maybe he can post. The car hit on the drivers side rear pretty much right on the fender and rear tire. I hammered the fenders back out, fixed the broken center pin in the spring, cut off and welded on a new rear spring hanger, replaced the u-bolts on that corner, straightened the axle with chains and come-a-longs, put a new peice of angle iron across the rear of the trailer, made new brackets and mounted grommet style lights and wired in. Only thing left really is to fix the wires going to the magnet on that corner and paiting the rest of the trailer black. Might also linseed the deck. There is still some bent stuff on the tongue but mostly cosmetic. Here is a pic in the shop. Will get more in the sun. Mike did you ever realize your fender brackets are at different levels so the fenders slope down?
Nice work man! Glad to see you reviving it Yes I did realize that - It wasn't intentional but since it was like that on one side I made the other match Surprisingly when the K10 was on there the fenders looked level. Here's some pix of the crash: And of the slimy dirt bag responsible:
say cheese i cant beleive hes not in worse shape....did ya kick him in the nuts after you took the pic
As bad as I wanted to he was already in police custody. He was running from the cops when the crash happened. They already had him out of the car on the ground at gunpoint by the time I made it out of bed, grabbed my robe and went out the front door. I made out good in the long run - What the insurance company gave me for the trailer ($2650), the parts on the trailer ($450), less salvage value (-$550), plus the salvage from Matt ($550) netted me about $3100. So basically, with a sleepless night, 15 frustrating hours on the phone with Liberty Mutual over the course of 6 weeks and $89 (Trailer was $3189) I got a 2006 PJ 18' 14,000GVW with 10K drop-leg front jack and dual 5Klb rear support jacks and removable fenders Needless to say this is not (nor any other vehicle we own) ever parked on the street any more
Looks good. Is that a 2" receiver i see on the back of the trailer? You aren't going tandem's with that are you?
Ya it was on there when I got it and looking at the welds doesn't look factory. My plan is to build a swing down support to support the trailer when loading and whatever then swing it up to hold the lisc plate