I am car dealer and am planning on getting a 3 or 2 car gooseneck wedge trailer. I am definitely leaning towards a diesel. First I need to decide whether I need dually or not. Will a need a dually to tow one of these trailers? I would like to stick with a single wheel truck because I want to use it as my daily driver. Oh yeah, one more question. What is the largest lift that will work with a gooseneck trailer? thanks a lot in advance Rusty
i know a guy that has a 1 ton srw dodge that hauls pretty heavy stuff around alot, but i bet the dually would work better from what i hear. and im interested to see about the lift question myself.
Dually, no question IMHO. And, how much lift will work with a trailer that you are looking at? None, stock height with E rated tires.
your max would be a four inch lift. and for that kinda weight your going to want the dually. you could do a 350 single wheel, but it would be safer with a dually.
To clarify what I meant by no lift at all. You could *do* a short 2-4" lift, but it could mess up the angle of the trailer depending on how well the neck adjusts. The main thing is it's a step backwards. You have to say to yourself, "why would I want to add something that is going to pull my fuel mileage down and negatively effect the way this truck can handle, especially with such a large trailer." You didn't mention what kind of miles you'd be running, but if it's a lot you aren't going to want a lift kit IMHO.
who cares about fuel mileage?! rotfl ha! im kidding. yeh you really dont want a lift if you will be towing alot.
regarding the lift, it is never good to do anything that will throw off your steering and suspension geometries (which a lift will do). the only lift that i would go with (for a dodge) would be the KORE kit... it is expensive but the lift will not negatively affect your handling or anything.
thanks a lot. I am not doing a lift. Also if I go with a 3 car wedge, I will buy a dually. If I go with a 2 car wedge or gooseneck I may get a single wheel. I think the gooseneck would definitely be ok with single wheel. thanks Rusty
I have had 2 dually's I would have nothing but on to haul a load with especially if you are going to be hauling up and down the interstate much. the extra two wheel sticking out will add mucho grande stability personally would have a 2wd instead of 4wd b/c less stuff to go k-put on ya. if you ar going witha 3rd gen dodge the are pretty high to begin with you may run into issues with trailer clearence issues
50' custom made hay trailer with 17-21 rolls of hay or straw stuck up in the air with an April breeze I would have nothing but personally. but that's just me.