dollar amount not really sure, but they will pay me two checks every week 1 for the driver(me) and 1 for the truck(my truck). the guys i have been talking too out of Lousiana are banking running 70 hrs per week. bringing home anywere from 2500-7500 per week and samefor the guys in Texas. but ACME is real strict cause they are leasing your equipment but they pay well....who do you work for?
not really sure on the dollar amoumt but you get two checks weekly. one for my truck in my name and dba name, and the other in in my name only with some taxes taken out....i have been talking to a fellow in Loiusiana and is avergeing $2500-7500 per week depending on where he drives to. i will start next monday still doing the bs paper work and trying to get my fuel tank in the bed installed....can you believe nobody in Houston had the plumbing kit for the auxillary fuel tank!!!!! my terminal in Galveston wants me to do some runs to California and Colorado so i want to be ready.... who are you working for???
:stir:You can allways tell how much a company pays just look at their contractors trucks i've seen acme trucks here in south tx i would'nt use for a parts truck makes you wonder why a person would go on if they could not afford a decent truck to make their living
what are you hauling that ur making 2500-7500 a week,,i guees im hauling the wrong stuff bc im making anywhere from 1500-3500 a week. i think its times to switch companies
lmfao i wouldnt judge people by what they drive though....there is a multi-millionaire in my dads office who drives a Honda Civic and he is a realtor. Most realtors drive pretty nice cars too for there clients lol; my dad has a brand new denali, so there ya have it.
I think your missing the point i am saying if the truck is p.o.s. and you cant afford a new one or a better one like most of the guys that run for the larger companys and companys like acme they will have contracts they call Alliances and thats just another word for screw the contractor but the company will still make money cause the contractor will carry the overhead like truck and expenses but no matter how cheap they bid the contract it they will still get their cut but a lot of the time the driver will barely brake even
acme has a contract with EXXON, DEVON, HALLIBURTON and they are paying right now my first day will be this coming i have not made a $ yet but knock on wood cause i have seen what the other hot shot drivers are making......yes some guys drive piles of ****, dont know why but the guys that i have been talking to are all new 1tons.....
They have anything out my way !! Might have to move to Texas and start hauling!!!! I work for myself for the time being. 2003 Ram QC DRW, 2006 PJ 35'+5' pop up tandem duals, own authority and such! Double M Transport USDOT 1291900
i know last year contract with HALLIBURTON one their drivers here in victoria said it came to close to 65 cent per mile and he didnt want to run that cheap i have my own authority and customers and own of their drivers had a 96 model dodge with over 900k and going to cali. and WY. running almost every day and could not afford a better truck when he finely did he had to buy a 99 with 200k and i have herd other stories like that as well and i have to try to keep my customers while they are cutting prices my trucks will sit before we run for what they run for .
Let us know what you are making.... and what they take out on for the 65CPMrotfl :doah: my rig doesn't move for less then $1 / mile for all operated.
Why not, just last month I saw a 3.5 month old ram at the J in OKC , hasn't been home since they got the rig, was showing 73,xxx already. At that rate this guy is looking at 250k in just a years time.