Here, Hopefully the link works, Kinda interesting. The trucks are now looking like the cars,The grille looks like a Magnum....which they will stop makeing after this year. Lots of toys and goodies. If you guys and gals like a cool "beverage" after work or play, look at the rear seat cooler. Stored below the floor panel? "Gee....officer, I have noooooooo idea where you'd get the idea I've been induldging, feel free to look around." Just like anything I guess it'll take awhile to catch on but who knows. A V-8 cummins eh? Hmmmmmmm.... If this has been posted before, I apologize for taking up space. I will except my punishment for not looking through the search feature.
Please people. Dodge came out with the unique fender styling that everyone else copied. They are returning the favor.