Overheating? Injector problems? Leaking injector tubes? Low oil pressure? Some of the what I hear about on the dmax's. So tell us, whats up?
Its in the shop once a month! always something happening to it. Then sometimes it will get 20, and others 14...dealer says nothing wrong with it.
Sorry! i forgot i posted. Yeh its just been a big pain having to take it to the dealer once a month. and its there an average of 3-4 days. It now has a brand new front end. Majority of the interior is new...I just noticed even MORE front end noises yesterday!
Injector problems once. Had a fuel leak. Was the fuel filter housing. Had an oil leak...Thats been the only engine ones. Rest were interior and front end. I had the Gm tech from another site pull the vin for me. And the previous owner has had all the same problems as me! and then some. He had the truck 7 months and it was in the shop 7 times for him!
Well........ Sorry for your luck....... I like my dodge.waytogo:stir: Thats not good though. I have a friend with several GM trucks, all with a diesel and he really doesn't have any issues with his trucks.:dunno: Sounds like a lemon to me. Interior problems....... Like what. Electronic malfunctions...... Dash falling apart..... Speedometer cluster not working....... Heated seats not heating....... Power windows or mirrors not working........ I didn't know GM's had front end issues. I thought dodge was the weak one there. My buddy did put new ball joints and u-joints on an '01 that he has that has about 160K. He also has an '04 that he bought new with close to 100K, no major problems. I don't think I would be very happy if I was you.
IFS sucks! Thats the big weak point of GM's. They are the worst front end wise from what ive seen and experienced. Total me and the previous owner. The entire dash has been replaced. The driver side mirror has been replaced. Air con system is half new. I can t remember the rest. its hard to remember 15 different repairs... I thought my dodge was bad. it was in the shop 4 times over 2 and a half years. One of those was my fault (clutch, Crazy Larry, Bully dogwaytogo)Thats nothing compared to this one!! If you add up the times mine has been in the shop day wise. I havent driven this thing 30 of the days ive owned it... bad times
Thats too bad. You shouldn't have trouble like that, regardless of brand. If you really like the Dmax/GM truck still, I'd sell it and get another one identical to yours. Got to be a freak thing with that vehicle.:dunno:
Has to be! Im definately not going to say Gm sucks blah blah after this truck. Cuz ive never really heard of this much problems out of a GM/D-max. I still like em. How ever i wont get one just like it. Im going to get a ford or a dodge when i get rid of this. Its just going to be a while cuz im pretty burried in this one...
Gee, guys. I've never had a lick of trouble with my '06 Dodge... Towing the same weight trailer as a Dmax awhile back up I-26 outside of Asheville (relatively steep grades), I caught and passed a Dmax. He caught up to me when the grade flattened out, but was in my rearview again up the next hill. I was going the speed limit and never slowed from it... We were racing? To see those guys' expressions and the "bird", yeah... Wife's Chevrolet pickup and my Impala have been nothing but trouble. Impala transmission failed at 40,000, plus many other problems. '00 Silverado had coolant/oil getting to know each other well, carpet fading at 3 years old, and miscellaneous body parts falling off within 3-4 years of easy use. Good luck, but I'll keep my Dodge.
If you ever want to do work to it, considering i dont know what you do to your trucks, check out competion diesel. They have a ton of guys running serious power from their dmax's. Tuners do a ton on them also. Custom or live tunes if you are ambitious Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk