It seems like the gas mileage on my truck just goes up and down at random. I know it's now fall and the winter blend gas is being used now, but over the summer I was getting some really wacky readings. I could use the same brand of gas (not necessarily the same station or pump) for weeks and get readings as low as 12 and as high as 16.5. My driving was almost always the same mix of city and highway, and I always drive pretty reasonably. But even if I had a week where I put my foot into it a little more than usual, I never got worse mileage than when I did normal driving. And if I would drive extra conservatively I wouldn't see any difference either. Just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it. Does this happen to anybody else? I could understand a difference of .5 to 1 mpg, but going from the low 13's in one fillup to the high 16's at the next?
Mine did too, till I quite bothering to check. Ambient temp, humidity, driving style, quality of fuel, and so many other things impact what you get.
Mine can be all over the place too. With the current price of fuel i dont want to check anymore, i just drive the truck like an old man and fill it up when the gauge hits empty.
Not so much. I get about 13.5-14 driving in the city with a heavy foot and about 15 in mixed driving. If I take a long freeway trip I will see 16-17mpg. Towing gets me about 13-14.
I get no less than 18.5 regardless of how I drive it and got 22+ highway only on cruise control this past weekend going downstate to a soccer tournament. Normal driving week to week doesn't vary by more than .5 mpg.