Daum I guess you do. I guess my post is a bit skewed as the hours are engine hours or operation..yet I don't ever really just let it idle..well in traffic I guess I do hahahaha Why do you have so much 'idel time'? I let mine idel fer a minute or two prior to shutting it down but oter than that I can't say I let it sit there and run...
Here in the great white north idle time is high. besided if you are doing something that requires you to stop and go let her run it saves fuel.
Ahh, well I guess I'm spolied with mild weather here in Central Cali. I would like to move someday were the different seasons actully happen...around here rain is all the winter we get and HOT summers. Stay Warm Burtwaytogo
Up until about 2 months ago I had been in So Cal for my whole life...now that I am here in Colorado i wonder how I lasted so long without REAL weather and seasons. Oh and its Kinda beautiful here toowaytogo rotfl
Congrats Brisk...I am jelous:doah: Although I love the Serrias I wouldn't mind heading North or East but I know I don't want to go pass the Rockies so anywere from Oragon to Colorado would work for mewaytogo Now how to convince the wife we "NEED" to relocate:doah: :doah:
hahahah Ya I know...now to get my Wife to open her eyes and SEE what we are missin...that is the trick:doah: waytogo I will be going to Moab in 06...still on the fence weather or not to bring the wife...more work for me with here there:doah: but I have to get her out to see the other parts of the west...I hope to have a slide-in camper by then so that would make things more appealing for her...Ya I married a city slickerrotfl opcorn: