04.5 3500 My rig, see sig for description. BTW the BF rugged trails on this truck are the absolute worst tires I have ever run! They suck in the mud, snow and wet roads.
Nah, thats a tank per three months. Diesel keeps a lot longer than that. Even gas should be just fine over a 3 month period. Plus, he says it stays inside a garage which helps with the condensation. I keep diesel in a tank half full for twice that long and use it and it's fine.
I would not go around telling people that it is ok to store diesel without any fuel stabilizer! You may be the reason someone screws up their truck! Most of us know better than that. There is a reason that the refineries put chemicals in it as well upon delivery to fuel stations. (so it can sit in the underground tanks longer) Yes, diesel will keep a while, but who really wants to take any kind of a risk of messing up a truck with mold or waterd down fuel. The fuel systems nowadays go bad extremely easy and are 50x more sensitive than yesteryear! The psi that diesel sprays in some of these motors is amazing. Now just imagine water mold and algae flowing through taht fast. Its not worth the risk. An ounce of prevention is worth more than pound of cure.waytogo
Sorry about ruining this post with the size of my truck. I didn't realize it was that big of a pic, if a moderator can fix it, go ahead or I can delete it.
Truck payment + insurance is more than my house payment I couldn't have bought it if it wasn't a business vehicle. Mike
While I would definantly agree that it is a great idea to add an additive, I just didn't think it was required, especially with the truck being garaged. I think an enclosed environment really helps keep a majority of the moisture away from the truck, which is the cause of most of the problems you listed. Me personally, I probably would feel comfortable without an additive with only a 3 month period, but I don't know where he gets his fuel and everything, it's his call. I would agree that it's a good idea to add it.
Those on the King Ranch are 325-22's. They are 22.5" shaved down to 22" Alcoa's. The ride is a little more harsh than stock but the truck is not lowered at all.
Stock drivetrain, lots of electronic mods and the outside visual mods like the nerf bars and bed cover. The electronics include a Bluetooth speakerphone/navigation interface for my Pocket PC Phone, Clarion DVD/touchscreen iPod controller, Rockford Fosgate amps, Boston speakers and PPI subs. After towing this monster up some big hills, my next mod will be something that adds a few lb-ft of torque.