My #6 plate showed up today. Normally I wouldn't take pictures, but I got this on Ebay from "machineshopcharlie". Just postin the pictures so everyone can get a an idea of the quality etc and make a decision. Cost was $113 shipped. The guy is real cool to deal with too. I should have it installed tommorrow, I'll report back with results tommorrow night.
Thanks for the pics. I was looking at some plates on ebay till I just ground my stocker into a #100. That will be very helpful to alot of people though.
Installation finished..... Took about an hour and a half- Piece of cake. First test drive- The difference is un-frickin-believeable...pulls like a train. Smokes nicely now too, good black puff at take off and a nice haze under moderate throttle. Although, I now know that my 4.10 gears and stock governer springs are crippling my trucks power. As it is now, at 75mph, I'm turning 2300-2400 rpm. Governed at 2,500 IIRC. Top speed of 80mph on flat ground. If I had 3.55's and a 3/4k GSK set, the thing would scream. The GSK set will be next. Unfortuneatley, I'm prolly gonna have to stop with the bombing after that, as I don't want to be forced into buying a new tranny. :doah:
Dude tighten down your stock springs and you'll be good to go. Do you have your pyro, boost and maybe tranny temp gauges yet?
Depending on how long you keep the truck, but I would bet you will already run into trans problems down the road as the larger plate takes it's tole on the converter. Maybe not though, some guys get lucky.
I got lucky with mine: #0 plate, 370's, 4k GSK, & 16cm exh. housing. I had it like that for about 2 years til I killed the turbo, but the tranny was still holding. On the freeway it couldnt go past 20 pounds of boost or the converter would start to slip, but that's what saved it was always relatively empty.
Well the only thing I can see here is to build a tranny and keep up the BOMBING. It's only moneywaytogo .
#10 plates are great for tuneability! I have installed a number of these plates with trucks that have stock clutches and stock auto's and have not no issues with them. .45k back from stock will allow auto to lock up and not shudder and also a clutch wont slip... Rick