Hey Towrig dooods Were should I mount my spare tire/carrier on my trailer? The carrier I have can be bolted on or welded on...wich should I do? Oh and any pics you may have of your carrier would be cool toowaytogo Thanks Burt
flatbed , encolsed or gooseneck? do you have a tongue box? on the tongue works good if yo udont have abox to go there. if a gooseneck, mount up in the neck, or under the neck(under makes removing/installing kinda PITA for a larger tire) i personally have my trailer spare in my goosenecks neck, and a spare in the back of my pickup, and the factory spare under my pickup. all 3 tires are the same size/rim, and can be interchanged if i have multiple tire problems on a long trip.
i wish this was the case for my dodge... i CAN use the dodge spare on the trailer with no issues, bot not the trailer spare on the dodge. like stated before more info is needed. i store my trailer spare in the Neck of the goose. it is just sitting there, but i strap it down for any drive over 8 miles. i keep it covered as well. i would bolt yours down for now, if you dont find any problems with where you have it weld it up if you like. Grant
KJ my work blocks your photos. So wereever you place them my works firewall no likey:doah: Just a basic 10K 18' car hauler. I think back by the fender too keep the tongue clear is the ticketwaytogo
Mine is identical to Jethro's. Built from a few pieces of scrap, finished in about 20 minutes, and then rattle canned.