My trans temp light has started to come on lately. During normal driving or even idling in park? Trans is supposed to have less than 15000 miles on the rebuild. Help :doah: Thanks, Ben
Sounds like you had better get a real guage on there to see what going on. Transmissions are expensive as I'm sure you know, just like a VP. Get a guage on there.
Is it actually overheating? Is it spitting any oil out the dipstick? Does it feel different when the light starts coming on? With a fresh transmission and no load I would assume a failed sensor.
Well I got a real gauge on it and so far the hottest I seen it get to is 150. I think that the sensor has bit the big one.
Yeah, I'd change the sensor. 150 is great from what I know. Just a bad sensor sounds like a happy ending to me.
A poster on another site ( had troubles with his, turned out he got it wet going through some standing water. If you've done any scuba diving in the Dodge , that could be it. I think the light is set to come on at ~270*F or something like that, at least that's the number in my 2002 manual.