Sure I've pulled 80 feet worth of trailers in a semi but with your pickup, what the longest trailer or combination you've pulled. I pulled home my new gooseneck and Joe's new trailer today. 78.5' from front of truck to back of trailer. More info on trailer in the trailer forum. Here is a long pic:
wow, it is kinda ironic the trailer is the same length as the concesions stand.... hmmm. Maybe I could put it on there then be a huge ice cream truck
Ive pulled a 28' Tag enclosed trailer. It was probably 32' from ball to taillights plus the 21' or so of my truck with the hitch equals about 53'
we had no way to load it and it had a pintle hitch and we didn't have any way to tow it behind a truck w/o a pintle hook. My gooseneck has a pintle hook on the back so it worked pretty well.... just uber-long
Dang that's long!!!! How hard was the drive with the trailers like that? I figured you didn't have any way to load it. It looks cool towing that way too!
It wasn't too bad but I am used to pulling doubles and such. I even backed them up a couple times into the air fillup and up to the door of the shop. Got lots of good looks.
I've pulled over 120' of trailers before, 6 grain trailers in all. Only went 3 miles. Had to make a Wide turn also.
They were all empty so it wasn't that extreme of weight. Maybe 4 or 5 tons. Had they been full, it would have pulled itself apart at 45 tons
I had a pole trailer with a 55 foot pole on it. That's way tricky to drive with because the axle is in the center of the about a big swing out!...then add a truck with a 198" wheelbase, you dont want to drive thru town with it!
added a long one to my list today was towing with a 30' HD wrecker. had the boom down and out 5 feet. and had the front of a 53' semi box trailer hooked onto that so it basically turned the 5th wheel box trailer into a 53' pintle hitch trailer! manuevering through the busy towns i had to haul it was a major bear, plus the fact that it had some flat tires, and no working lights/brakes. moved 6 trailers like that all afternoon(9-5), each one some degree of broken....definatly different grabbing 5th wheel trailers by chaining through the pin and wedgeing the bar agaisnt the bulkhead/front of the 5th wheel plate.
Not to change the subject but I think I will take a pic of my truck next to a 2.95 a gal diesel sign so I have something funny to show my 5 year old when he gets ready to drive, fuel should be around 15.00 a gal then.
rotflrotflrotfl The longest I have pulled is a 36' camper with my 1/2 ton gasser. No weight distribution or sway control... ya, it sucked big time! :doah: .