at work we have a 98 cab chassie truck and its always run ok of crapy. 1 time we had the valves adjuted and wow. then the boss said the dealer said no you dont need to do this. and ha has never said we can do it again. so is this needed or not for best power and reliability. thanks.
150k miles? wow thats a big gap. this thing doesnt have more than 70-80k on it. and the first time thay were done was at 30-40k .
Cummins recommends adjusting the valves on a 12V every 24,000 miles. 150k is WAY too long to leave the valves alone.
I'm with FordCummins on this. At least every 25K and eairler if the oil changes are few and far between. As oil viscosity brakes down so does it's ability to slow down the wear on engine components like valve stems and valve lash screws just to name a few.
150k is for the 24 valve cummins. However i had mine done at 53k and it made a difference. Several were noticably out so now it runs smoother. The 12 valve definitely needs the job around 24k. I also checked the Dodge Ram 610 ISBE version page and also shares 150K with the medium duty version. I don't know what it would be for a 12v, just going off of the later models.
I don't know, it's not like you can adjust the valves too much so if I wanted to keep an engine for awhile then I would'nt wait to do every 100k-150k no matter what the specs are.
could any of yall give me instructions on how to adjust the valves? My buddy has 91 dodge ranch pickup that needs to be done.