Good Morning All I am going to replace my solid rear window with a slider. I have seen single and dual sliders. I would like to hear opinions on this. Also anyone know a good online website that has photos and pricing? Thanks for your time Burt
I think it is an excellent idea to put in a slider window, because then its easy access to the cooler in the backwaytogo Or atleast if you live out here in the country where it is all dirt roads.
hahaha The main modivation for the change is I will be getting a slide-in truck camper and it has a window to the back of the crewcab so If someone has to pee on a road trip or needs to raid the frige they can climb tru the windows waytogo So I'm thinking a single slider may give me a bigger 'hole' to climb thru?
Wow just found an Auto sliding window..didn't know they even made such a ting? Anyone ever do a install on there own? I guess I should look locally instead of on the internet if I don't want to do the install....
I like my 3 piece rear slider on my truck better than the 4 piece on my brothers Ranger. It looks better IMO and its easier to open
I like the 3 piece ones too... I spent years and years crawling through those darn things into the backs of my dad's trucks. I can't say I miss that part. I still have scars on my fingers from trying to latch those stupid swingaway pinch latches. I don't know about on the newer trucks, but on the older ones changing the glass was pretty easy. just take a good thin piece of rope or insulated wire and run it under the gasket into the cab and work it loose kinda like you would the rubber on a bike tire all the way around. Couple guys could get it out in pretty short order.
Cool, thanks for the replys. Be kinda cool to have a auto slider. I have the CrewCab so not like I can reach the window from the front. I would have to get out or streach out to reach it...400 bucks though...a 3 piece manual is almot 300 so...100 bucks fer auto operation hmmm..