I’m at a loss here. :doah: I have the Draw Tite brake controller in my ‘04 GMC that quit activating the brakes when I press the pedal. I get a signal when I use the manual switch that is on the controller but get nothing from the pedal. The troubleshooting guide thingy in the instructions told me to look at the wire tied into the pedal itself but using the harness that goes from the controller to the factory plug in, I don’t have that option. For giggles I checked the fuse under the hood at the aux post where they tap for the brakes and the wire headed out to the trailer but didn’t find any problems. I figure it has to be with the signal headed to the controller but I don’t know what to look for to get it fixed. Can any one point me in the right direction?
If your signal coming from the brake to the controller is good and the controller works when used manually I would guess it's probably a bad trailer brake controller.
From what you are saying I gather that you are not getting signal from the brake pedal to the controller. Try connecting a 12v wire directly to the brake controller wire that connects to the brake pedal. If the brake controller does not initiate then it is probably bad. If it does initiate then you have a problem between the brake pedal switch and the controller (assuming the switch is working and your brake lights do come on when you press the pedal).
Thanks guys for posting up. waytogo I didn’t get a chance to jack with it yesterday but I’ll have time today to play around with it. If it is the controller I’ll be a little ticked off because this thing's not even 2 years old yet. You get what you pay for I guess.
Its probobally the controller, i know my draw tite is a complete POS. It will occasionally just read zero until i manually apply the brakes, and then it will just apply the full 10 instantly. Other times it wont even read that the trailer is attatched and just give me the little red dot, and when it does work it still sucks something fierce. I'll be buying a prodigy after this weeks paycheck.
Well I played around with the wiring on this thing yesterday and it ended up being a bad joint at the splice between the controller and the harness. It was fun trying to find it because for some goofy reason they had two sets of joints in the wires and it just so happens where I had my meter was behind the second joint making it look like I had a good signal going to the controller. There was enough slack in the harness that I could cut both splices out and made everything back up with a good set of joints this time. Thanks for posting up, I appreciate the help.waytogo