Out of curiosity, how much does it cost to store your trailer in your neck of the woods? The best I can do here in Colorado is 1.00 per linear(sp?) foot per month which isn't to bad.
Sounds about what I pay. I pay quarterly and it's $94 every 3 months... That gets me 36 feet x 12 feet of ground to store my trailer. And of course it's between two huge $500,000+ motorhomes that I am constantly in fear of hitting...
Thats one thing nice about having a Ranch over a home in town is plenty of space to park stuff. There is a place down the road from me where people park their RV's, trailers, and there is even an El Camino on a lifted 4x4 frame out there and I have always wanted to know what they charge to park stuff....
I store my 99 Ranger (work truck), 96 F350 Crew Cab, 89 Burb, 85 K30 w/ snow plow, enclosed trailer, landscape trailer, truck topper, and 8' slide-in camper at my in-town (kinda) lot. I split my back yard & made 1/3 of it (approx 25' wide) a storage lot. I'm putting in a 6' tall, 12' wide gate this summer to hide most everything. I am SOOOOOOOO glad I don't have covenantswaytogo
I pay $80.00 a month to store my 20' boat. Pay $100 a month per spot to to park my big rig trucks. Parking is a pain in the big city.
Where are you storing your trailer at?? That is a good price and we need somewhere to store our trailer.waytogo
currently mine's chained to the tree in the front yard where my wife's car is supposed to park, but usually it's beside the house. for a "gated access" spot here that consists of a patch of dirt out beside a bunch of mini-storage barns you'll pay about $10/mo. for the motorhomes and boats/covered storage it goes up pretty quick.
Dang are you guys lucky. I currently pay $95 a month for a space that will store a 24'er. I am "grandfathered" and price will not go up rotfl . I was paying $130 a month and it was going up to $160 at another place. These are uncovered spaces. Just before you guys gasp there are waiting list at these places. I will be getting a 5er and will store it where there is a cover (car port type) at about $110 a month for up to 40'.
My storage has cost me about 30K at this point. But I have another 20K to put into it before it's completely finished.
Just paid today, 11 months and the 12th month is free. They charge 1.00 per foot plus 5 bucks, my trailer is 21 feet long total plus 5 bucks, 26.00 per month or 286. per year. Your friends boat is probably longer than that so thats why he pays more.
I keep both trailers and a buch of other junk at a friends place. No charge. He gets free use of the trailers.
I have a 7000 sqft lot with 1 spot on the street and I somehow manage to fit 4 cars and a trailer in there I park the trailer on the street with a coupler lock, and the rigs are piled into my dirt & mud driveway
It was $169 at Costco..... It went together fairly easilly, but getting it to stay in the ground with all the Billings wind was fun..... I put cinder blocks over the legs & feet and then burred them about 6-8" into the ground. 1.5 years now and they havn't moved