What do you guys think of Fords new 6.4 PSD? I found this slidshow on it, Im kind of suprised, its putting out 350hp/650tq. Thats alot, no doubt, but I would have thought that they would have out powered the Duramax LBZ. The two turbos would scare me, not sure how dependable its gonna be. http://www.thedieselgarage.com/Downl...owerStroke.ppt
ohh, now the idiot drivers can cook two turbo's insterad of one when they shut down hot..... we put on alot of powerstroke turbos on(most common trucks) for this reason when company trucks with cheap help/low paid/ignorant drivers abuse the trucks hard, usually pulling trailers, and immediatly shut them down while the turbo is still glowing.
I'm sort of surprised they don't have the functionality to keep engine running automatically until suitable shutdown temp is attained. You'd think they'd do that right from the factory, since that'd be better as it'd probably interface with the anti-theft measures better... Then again maybe they don't care if customers burn up their trucks...
no, but i would see a liability issue. a customer needs to be able to shut a truck down on command immediatly incase of an emergency.....................
Judgin by how the last engine went, I think a turbo timer is gonna be the least of the customers worries. "Hey! Our last engine sucked, so lets build an even more complicated one!"
The instant shutdown could be accomplished by something such as a big "Emergency shutdown" mushroom button on the dashboard or someplace convenient. If I were designing such a thing in conjunction with a factory shutdown timer, I would make sure the computer logged just how many times the button was used. If the customer was found to use the override all the time, it should be grounds to deny warranty for turbo bearings caused by high temperature at shutdown. I'm just saying, I'm surprised they don't do something like that. Would probably save a few turbos.