I was thinking the other day, police should drive 4 door pickups. Give cops a 2wd crew cab with either cummins, duramax, or psd. Put a programer on it so it could top out at 120 or 130, more than enough power, and they could run anyone off the road having a 7000 pound truck. They'd be unstopable.
4500 lbs up front and 2500lbs rear make it easily spun. less agile as well. cruisers are also in need of improvements... i think they all need Porsche 911's Grant
But how many times have you seen where a person in a pickup is running from the cops and the cops try and spin em out but cant because the truck is so heavy. With a 7000 pound truck, you could spin fairly easy.
You wouldn't be able to catch them because 80% of the runaways are in cars and they will out maneuver a big ass truck. I can't imagine trying to stick to the butt of a camaro with my dually... Sure the truck is fast but thats in a straight line. They just need to tell the cops to shoot anyone who runs, pull up next to them and two in the head, done deal. Then again I'm not a big fan of people that run from the cops.
the fort worth police have a whole set of crew cab 2wd psd f350's. mostly see them pulling over big rigs, but cool non the less
I think they would pull hills better than the interceptor engines I out ran a Crown Vic with my old 240sx(No it wasnt a SR20DET but a KA24DE) up a mountain.I was also racing a S-10 with a Vortec 4.3 long story short the state trooper let me go,I was very happy and I still beat the S-10 and Crown Vic up the mountain.Also my friend reports the 3.8 interceptors Chevys dont pull hills any better citing that to his get away now I know its not legal to out run the police but sometimes you gotta laught at what they give law enforcement for police vehicles.I think giving SUV's to citys would be great and the TN State Troopers use Crew Cab Super Dutys and Dodge Crew Cab(or whatever Dodge call em now).
Lets not be silly here people, they don't need big heavy diesel pickups and SUV's. They're Crown Vics work just fine, and pull hills plenty fast.