Always nice to tow in rush hour traffic, you know the new BMW/Audi that cuts in front of you and takes your breaking distance away. Just once I want to tap the arse end and spill their Starbucks all over them. waytogo
LOL...That's always fun! The worst place I have ever had to tow in is Washigton DC ! I look around and wonder how these people can be so stupid. Then I realize they're the ones running our government!rotfl
Don't even get me started on this one! Even without towing I like to have that space,.....But NO thoes damn commuters think if they drive all crazy they are going to get somewere fast...HELLLLO! there is like 8MILLLON cars infront of you and your NOT going anyware!!! Just sit back and CHILLLLL!!!!!!!!!! It is not how fast you drive that gets you there sooner it is WHEN YOU LEAVE that will get you there sooner Daaaaaaaaaa!! *()#%_*@#_%$_)@#%$_@)(#%$_(#%$@#$(%@#$)% Feeww OK I'm done imp: waytogo
try it on I-5 in SoCal.... im very glad i have my exhaust brake and all 3 axles on my trailer are braking axles....
Sunset blvd in Hollywood with my truck and a 16ft trailer with garage doors on it. There is one part of the road where the right lane is only about 7ft wide and the trailer is 8 1/2' and I have a Rolls Royce on my left. they wouldnt move until my whole truck and trailer barged into their lane and they locked up their brakesrotfl
was on I80 yesturday trying to go around the lake. what funm, buper to bum,per both ways, driving the kenworth wrecker with a 2006 IH 4300 on the hook behind me with nothing other than the 4 ways on, betya the people loved being behind me and watching the strobes go off for 4 hours straight.......... and mind you the truck i was pulling was a loaded landscaper dump truck and i had no barking on that truck, only the one i was driving.
Me and Burt4x4 are out here in Crappy California, we know all about rush hour traffic, except out here we don't call it rush hour traffic it's just all the time traffic.:doah: I try and do all of my erins around 9AM when I have to go into the city, especially if I have to go into town pulling one of the trailers. My pickup and a trailer really isn't that bad, since I can basically out accelerate most cars with 4-6K behind me anyway pimp: ), I have decent braking, and a pickup and trailer doesn't get the "truck" reaction out of other drivers. What I hate being in is my F650 service truck. Automatically when people see a truck they think it will be slow and hard to get around, so they are very eager to make sure they get in front of you. Pulling out in front of you and my personal favorite....a double lane road, a red light ahead, everyone slowing, and the 18 year old bimbo blond jumps into your lane from the one next to you. I try to stay away from 16-25 year old women like they are the plaque. Most are terrible drivers and have no idea what kind of effect mass has on motion, that and they don't care anyway.
i get that at almost every other stop light when i am driving the HD wrecker with a truck on it as i exhuast brake through the gears to the lights since i usually dont have brakes on the truck being sucks slaming on it when you have it grabbed by the frame rail and the turck can rock 5-6 inches in the forks, makes a hell of a banging!!
I'd have to say that the strip in Vegas was the worst for me, 8pm with my 30 foot trailer behind me and 20 taxi's cutting me off at every intersection. It's like traffic signals don't even exist there, green, red, whatever, they just go through!
My fave is no one will just start to easily slow down its alll skinny pedal or brakes,they waste fuel and brakes parts not that I care.I just never liked trying to stop an overloaded dump truck with hardly any brakes on a good day to keep from hitting them nothing like the smell of abestis is the air.
I grew up and spent young adulthood in the NW corner of N. AL. I was raised with the “Southern Gentleman” sensibilities where people were mostly courteous and respectful of each other, with many notable exceptions of course, but that’s how I was raised and how most of my “peers” and friend behaved in general. Driving in Atlanta rush hour, or even in Nashville was considered a test of personal integrity and resolve as you dealt with the “big city trash”. Then I moved out West. OMFG! Out here a car length in front of a big truck is just a open invitation to swoop in after bypassing the other 500 cars lined up for an exit. Most often by a newish yuppie BMW or ricer trash, though frequently participants are visible from all walks. And a blinker to change lanes out here has apparently developed an alternative meaning of “Hey! Everyone on that side close up as tight as you possibly can!!!” As such, I have changed my driving style somewhat. My blinker is no longer just a heads-up or request for room to change lanes, it is a WARNING that I *AM* about to be in that lane, you better not be there. I generally don’t hit the blinker until I’ve already verified that I do have room, and I will not back off when some rat bastige guns it trying to close me out. I’ve gotten a few raised fingers and horns because of that, but frankly, I wouldn’t feel bad (other than contemplating insurance premiums) if I left a tire print right over the top of their (almost invariably) tiny import cars, or even across their split skulls for that matter. I’ve grown to hate those people worse than the ones that take up my braking zone...
I've towed through several large cities including LA. They had the worst traffic ever. But I am on hyper alert in those areas and take extra precautions, especially since I am not used to that kind of traffic. The one that really gets my goat is the rice burner that comes flying around me in light traffic only cut me off and hit the brakes so they can turn right into some parking lot. After I lock the rig up and clean out my britches, I glance in the mirrors and there ain't a car behind me for miles. They could have easily stayed behind me for an extra 2 seconds. There is a reason God hasn't made me rich, cause if I was I would take the dudes out and let my lawyer worry about it! rotfl
Its looking like I'm going to be going to Atlanta this week and bring back a new drag car for my friend in guess what rush our traffic ye haw.