Was a great trip. My rig kickedass pulling the many grades needed to get there. Fully loaded it actually was a very smooth ride and the power of diesel is beautifulwaytogo Anyway just wanted to share some pics with ya'all imp: Burt
I'm guessing the Norcal BIg Dawg Pismo event? Looks good. I take it you just got the camper because I haven't seen it.waytogo
Thanks guys, ya the camper got droped off about a month ago waytogo Was real nice not to have to run off to the port-a-poty in the early am waytogo Also just having a place to hide from all that damn wind too! This setup should make my trip to Moab much nicer imp: imp: Burt
Yup I got BFG Comercial T/A Traction, the biggest size this tire comes in for now is 265/75-16 E rated 3415 @ 80psi They did real good on the hwy and on the beach...I never even aired down when I got to Pismo...I little more speed was needed but they did great!
Hey heres mine: I was digging the burtsters camper though, that pop up roof was awesome. None of the top heaviness of a camper but no loss of head room... I want to throw one on the front of my gooseneck now Oh and thanks for the sausage
Hey your trailer could easily handle one..hell only 1500lbs dry waytogo WAY better than sleeping in your cab :doah: Just wait till you get older and that won't work so well no more Did you know monday morning the park ranger came into camp? Parked right next to you got out walked by your truck..looked at the other trucks...got back in the ranger truck and left Talk about close-call Good times! Burt
hahahah the flat round kind that you eat for breakfast..dirty old man rotfl I useally cook 2lbs of bacon but this trip I brought sausage pattys waytogo hahahaa
Yup, Kevin told me. I guess me borrowing dogmans jeeps tag and putting it in the job worked imp: Yeah I've already been looking at something to build on the front of the gooseneck to sleep in
I want a cabover camper too. Any downside to that style (pop up)? I was looking at the big Lance campers that hang about three feet off the back of the bed.
Downside? Hmmm, well alot of opinion about hardside vers. soft side truckcampers..like if a bear attacks your rig or security while top is up...but all this bla bla bla doesn't give any realworld worth to me.. The Outfitter uses a thick softwall that keeps the weather out. I felt the truck sway in the winds at Pismo more than I could hear it while inside the camper and the softwals didn't flap shake or shimmy in the windwaytogo . I think they are great for keeping the center of gravity nice an low, fuel milage is better with less wind resestance..the only thing I can think of that a soft side is that you hear more outside noise..kinda like a tent..I would emagine the hardside keeps outside noise out alot better. Other than that for only weighing 1500lbs dry it is a GREAT step-up from the tent lifeimp: waytogo Burt
Livin' large there Burt. Great set up. I need to look into one of those campers, would make the trip to Moab alot nicer.
I don't really see the difference in security. If a bear or some one wants to get in. They're going to get in. I like the reduced weight of that design. How comfortable would it be for a family of four in there? Now, I just need to see if I can find a used one.
Ya it is a tight fit for a family of 4 but no tighter than a tent. The one added option I got on my camper was an extra bunk. The bunk above the cab is a queen size bed, then the table drops out of the way to make a single bed, the third bed is a drawer that stores under the queen bed and pulls out over the table bed making a "bunk bed" for the two kids to sleep on and fight over who gets to sleep on top waytogo This is not my interrior just a shot of the bunkbed, the queen bed is at the top left of the pic. the top bunk has a 150lbs weight limit to. When I first started shoping for a camper I wanted to save $ and get a used one....YUK! kinda like a cheep hotel or living in someone elses dirt & filth..one I looked at had a bad smell to it... :doah: So talked the wife into getting a new one and that alowed me to custom order one, plus the fact is you won't find a use Outfitter..if you do your are very lucky, you may beable to fid a FourWheel Pop up brand used...