Any one have an idea about how hard it would be to put one of these in a pickup. They're damm easy to find and seem to be tough as hell. George
A guy and I swapped out a mechanical DT466 and reinstalled an electronic 466, I doubt it would be real hard. About as difficult as swapping in a 5.9 Cummins. A DT466 is a little on the heavy side though.
There are pics floating around of a mid 90s F350 with a DT466 in it. Talk about a TIGHT fit..... He did get it in there and make it work though. Space will be much more of an issue with the DT than doing something as basic as a B series Cummins however.
yeah, thats a MUCH tighter fit, but anything can be done if you have the money/skill. heck remember the CJ-7 with a viper V10 in it... streach the fenders if you have to....
They are a fairly heavy engine for a pickup. They also don't like to be run hot and have a bad habit of pitting the oring boss for the liner and leaking coolant into the oil pan. I would stick with the cummins. It has a proven record of reliabilty in both equipment and atomotive applications.waytogo
There's nothing wrong with slipping in a Cummins 6BT, but a DT466 is just a whole new animalimp: . Sure, the characteristics, power band, and certain years of injector pump, is about the same beast. Seeing how they do in sled pulling makes me want to put one in a pickup as a pro-street 'Vette killer. This swap pictured below is an 89 F350 with a DTA466(older style inline pump). I've talked to several guys that have done it or are in the process. Like I say, it's my life long dream to do it if I had the ca$h. For your shopping info, look for the 93-95's first, they have almost the same P-pump as a 6BT(fuel plates, delivery valves, gov. springs, etc.). Next is early 84-92, it's still an inline pump(Bosch 6A & MW style), and uses the same gov springs & possibly del. valves as the newer ones & 6BT's. If you get a smokin deal on one with a rotary pump, you can swap the MW or A pump directly( get the lines too). The rotary pump cant be tinkered without expensive tools only an injection shop will have. The truck in the photos used to have a rotary pump. Although; you dont always need a 9" body lift to get it in, it will actually fit without any lift. That is, if you're good with body work. The valve cover will be almost to the top of the cowl.