Wow I have learned so much over the last week. Trying to dial in the new setup (TST/superchip, super phat 66, sb double disc, zex nitrous,) first run out...what a pain in the ass to drag a manual trans, really bad wheel hop even through the top end of the track, 16's at 90mph, second run grany shifted till 5th then wooded it, no wheel spin, still 16's but 99.62 mph. Third run decided to launch in 2nd and then shift 4th, this worked really well but I miss 6th gear and cost through the light at a mid 15 and 96mph. Next round and first round of eliminations and I dial 15.2, I get a really good launch and my shifts are perfect, I catch the guy by half track get two truck lengths on him and hit the brakes and half throttle it through the lights, I STILL BRAKE OUT, I can't believe it...the truck runs a high 14! at 87 mph. I really believe with traction bars the truck has a high 13 and 102-104mph in it, which for a double disc manual I would be so giddy.
i told you the day i got my mufflet... maybe it was your dad i told... you build a set of antiwrap bars for the short box and a set is sold already....
Right on! Glad to hear you are getting her figured out. Good times for a 6 speed. Very nice. Keep practicing and you'll get it down to a science. Congrats on the times! Jason
Thanks Jason, and thanks for you input on the tst. Think I will have mark put the twins program and timing control in it, but it sure works good on 8/7 now. Your right on about the practicing, can't wait for the next test and tune or seattle in sept. Mike
Up in Redding at a big diesel rally there was a 2nd gen with a NV4500 that turned an 11.6. I couldn't believe it!
Yeah the 5 speed would be awesome for drag's. Was talking to Joel at ats this morning and he knew of several 5 speeds in the 12's. I would just be happy with a 13. Mike
Keep playin with it and you'll get there. By the time you have your techinique down, you'll have figure out the right set up fr the truck and be dialed! KEEP IT UP!
hehe... make sure i have the money for that before ya "make" me take them...rotfl just cause i HAD money to play at the time... doesnt mean i HAVE money anymore...rotfl well, the money i do have is for my move anyway. im gonna PM ya now. Grant