How close is too close behind a big rig?

Discussion in 'General Tow Rig Discussion' started by chvyhs, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Cool, there is someone in this world who isn't a retard. Thanks, and the semi drivers appreciate your common sense and courtesy.

    And to the retards - WTF is with some people's fascination with being jerks to big trucks? Do they suffer from little man syndrome and feel cool because they "put him in his place"? It doesn't matter if the semi truck is right or wrong... if you screw with them and something goes wrong, guess who dies? Yep, kiss your a$$ goodbye, loser.

  2. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Did you come from the bottom of the gene pool? Like the scum that forms on the floor? Get off of his bumper and remove your head from your a$$ and then maybe you wouldn't miss your exit. How briliant does someone have to be to take pride in an ignorant decision such as thinking that being directly in front of 80,000 pounds moving at 55+ mph is a good place to be? You are probably one of those clowns who would sue if the semi hits you. Good luck getting any money when you are permantly resting under 6' of dirt.

    Quick physics lesson for the less intelligent:

    Inertia - in·er·tia Audio pronunciation of "inertia" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-nûrsh)

    1. Physics. The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.

    and here is the part we will focus on - "or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force."

    Gee, now lets think. What outside forces could possibly stop a big rig?

    Brakes? Yep.

    Running over some retard in who choses to drive in front of the semi? Yep.

    Now, let's assume that you have chose to put yourself in front of the semi because you are too stupid to find your exit. I could only guess that you also would do other stupid things, like not allowing the semi enough stopping distance after you cut him off. Now, let's suppose you have to emergency brake for some reason.

    The brakes on the semi WILL NOT be able to stop the truck. So what's left?

    Yep, your right! The semi will run you over! :rolleyes:

  3. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Everything is all good? Is it still good when the semi lets a cap loose and it flies through your windshield and decapitates your wife or child? :eek:

    I still choose to leave an outrageously huge gap between me and them.

  4. chvyhs

    chvyhs Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Some of you are acting a like a bunch of idiots now. You've ruined this post and for me.

    Thanks a lot.
  5. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Since I'm fairly certain you are talking to me...

    Tell me where you work. I will come to your work and screw with you, make your job hell, and I really don't care if you get fired. I don't care if you lose everything you have worked your entire life to get.

    Well guess what? That's exactly what is happening when people chose to drive like morons around semi drivers. Maybe that's why it makes the semi drivers so mad when cars drive like idiots? I do not like that fact that poor decisions by some people, like those who show no respect to semi drivers, can potentially cost me my job and everything I own and will ever own.

    So go ahead, PM me your work address and I'll fly out and see what I can do to get you fired. If you are self employed, I will do something stupid that you will be held liable for, then I will sue you.

    And if you think this post is ruined because it didn't go the way you wanted, or that is ruined because of this, you have bigger issues to worry about. I wish you well with your treatment.

    500 feet. That gives you about 5 seconds of following distance, and is the closest I would ever follow anyone at 65 mph.

  6. chvyhs

    chvyhs Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Actually it was directed all everyone that's talking about killing some one. Some of you have taken it too far.

    Work address is Camp Pendleton, Ca. Building 52591. Just ask for Valencia.
  7. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    It was meant as a way to show the situation from another viewpoint, one that is often missed by many. People never realize the risk involved with driving around semis... especially those who leave only 40-60' at about 65 mph. I wouldn't really come mess with you. And I surely wouldn't ever want to go to Kalifornia.
  8. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Well, that's what happens when people drive like you do. I called you out on one of your poor decisions. Please drive more cautiously... you and everyone else will live a lot longer.

    Please don't take this the wrong way - I am not "pro-semi" and I don't think "all cars are idiots". Many semi truck drivers are retards too, hence my decision to stay VERY far away from them.

  9. CK5

    CK5 WhooHoo! Administrator Moderator

    Feb 9, 2005
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    You guys bring up some valid points but let's try to not climb all over someone, it's all in the presentation. :D
  10. Divorced

    Divorced Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    In the Middle
    Yes sir.

    I tend to really get worked up when it comes to this topic. Many people don't realize the risks they take or the consequences of these risks in the event that something would go wrong. I've seen many highway deaths in my years as a semi driver. Family members go NUTS when they see their loved ones with missing arms and legs or their intestines draped over a steering wheel. It's kind of like on when people called me a tard for not wearing my seatbelt... the only difference is that I choose to kill myself rather than have someone do it for me.

    And I have been wearing my seatbelt for several months now, since the ck5 clan beat me up for not wearing it. I have twins that will be born soon and I'd like to stick around for a while to be their Father.

  11. MTMike

    MTMike Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Billings, Montana
    The consequenses are often not just for the driver of the car getting injured or killed. Then there's the truck driver who, if even at 0% fault risks losing his job....

    Is it worth getting there 2 minutes earlier, or saving 2MPG to risk your life and risk sending a man or woman, just trying to make a living for his family, to the unemployment line?

    My father-in-law is an OTR trucker so I've heard a lot of horrible stories about idiots in cars causing him stress. Just recently he was ticketed and had to fight to keep his job after some old f*cker cut him off with 10' to spare and then immediately slammed on his brakes.

    These men and women are out there trying to make a living, keeping goods moving around America. Their job is tough enough as it is, don't make it any tougher for them

    </soap box>
  12. duckmanquacker

    duckmanquacker Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2006
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    Lago Vista,Tx
    please remember 99.9% of everything you own was brought to you by a truck. so for those who read this topic and are anti big truck take a long look at all the necessity and toys you have in your posession, because if it werent for those gosh awful large slow ugly trucks this country would still be living like they were in the old west.

    for any tow rig & trailer setup a great rule of thumb for following distance is for every 10 feet in length = 1 second of space (40 feet = 4 seconds) also each 10 MPH above 40 MPH add 1 second (if running 65 with your 40 footer you would take the initial 4 seconds & add an extra 3 seconds for the 25 MPH above 40) this will always keep you at a safe distance for emergency reaction plus keep your rig from getting that wobble from the disturbed air off the vehicle in front of you. the myth about getting better fuel mileage by tailgating a semi is very false. wind tunnel tests have proven that the air closes off at 16 feet behind the trailer at 65MPH and get shorter the faster the truck goes.:eek:
  13. garlicbreath

    garlicbreath Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Yeah, but at ten feet back, I barely have to touch the gas!! I need a hydraulic grapple hook to grab onto the rear bumper and let him flat tow me.
  14. garlicbreath

    garlicbreath Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    I give the utmost respect to those guys and plenty of space, and practice lane blocking so they can get to where they need to. Safely of course. Many 4wheelers just don't pay enough attention to realize that 18 wheeler in the turn lane has probably been there forever due to the traffic flow. I gladly stop and listen to horns so they can turn.
  15. Alt-Tab

    Alt-Tab Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Owensboro, KY
    I've got a buddy that does a lot of hauling, and he says that everybody should have to drive 3 things. A motorcycle, a semi truck, and a pickup truck hauling horses. All three of those things a lot of people don't have much respect for. He didn't realize how differently people treated bikes until he got one. But then he sold it. If you're hauling horses of course you can't just slam on the brakes - you don't want your horse to break a leg! He said it would be comparable to a person riding on a flatbed trailer standing up. Think about how much you'd have to shift your weight on acceleration, stops, and turns, to keep from falling over?

    I've never driven an 18 wheeler but I've spent a LOT of hours in a 24' box truck and driven a couple tender trucks - 10 wheels and 9 speeds. I think a lot of people would better understand the proper following distance and how to drive around the bigger trucks if they've actually DRIVEN one. I've never been a rude driver around the bigger trucks, but there's a few things I've started doing now (that I didn't do before) -- flashing my lights to let them over in front of me, blinking my taillights (hazards) to say "thanks" for letting me back over (if they signal me), keeping more of a following distance, etc.

    Just my 2¢, take it or leave it! :cool:

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