Ya know...I think I don't like leather seats during summer time. My Silvarado is my first vehicle I have ever owned that has leather seating. More times than I can think of, my backside doesn't stay cool at all..in fact it feels like I have the seat warmer on sometimes :doah: This to me is making me think cloth seats would be a better choice. Sure leather cleans up better may be stronger in some situations and has a oooo aaaaahhh leather type of 'nice ride' appeal to it ... Oh well winter is right around the corner so then my seat will be freezing cold and I can turn on the seat warmer... HEY! THey should make a seat COOLER too...like pipe in the AC air or something so I don't have to lean forward and hike one leg up while aiming the AC air at my A** & back waytogo Anyway just bitchen out loud about my incompatablitiy with leather during the summer...
I've started backing in the parking spot at work that I've claimed, that way when I get out of work the driver's side is in the shade. Sometimes I'll go start the truck and let the A/C run while I'm restocking supplies on my route truck, then it's nice and chilly when I get back to it.
Yep, thats why I never ever want leather again, had it in my first truck and never wanted it again. Stuck to it, it was hot, it was cold, it didn't breath, etc.
Burt, turn your A/C on.....rotfl No problems as here as long as my A/C is working well, I also park my truck inside so the seats don't get hot in the sun. I love leather, I'll never own a truck without it.
i aim the a/c vents at the seat for a few minutes to cool em off, my biggest problem is my switch to turn on the seat heat is easily hit by my fat legs and i periodicallyget HOT arse syndrome rotfl rotfl rotfl other than that its all gooooood i hange dark sun shileds to block the sun on my seats which helps tons at keeping the cab cool as well
hahah yup..the other day I was starting to get pissed cuz my arse was HOT in the seat..well looked over at the warmer and the light was on so I musta tripped it on with my hand :doah: Ya I guess a little AC prior to getting in is a good Idea...givin I have time to wait for it waytogo
Is that a Beemer? Damn thoes 745 series are like $70K+ :doah: Pops must bee doin alright egh? waytogo
Just throw a couple large towels on the seat in the Summer. It will keep the sun off the seat and keep it from drying out. If you wear shorts instead of long pants, it will keep your legs from sticking to the seat, which I dislike. Oil them good with some good leather stuff. When you sit on the towel it just shines them up. Never use that spray stuff from Armoral unless you want to slide under the steering wheel when you stop. Dave
Doesn't bother me, I like my rich corinthian leather. The shorts I wear aren't short enough to let my thighs touch the seat when I sit down. I don't usually wear hot pants. LOL
i love the heat, so leather is no problem for me. im one of those guys who has to turn the AC on only when defrost is on... even when im in AZ at 120+ temps... windows down is the way for me.... Grant