Just thought I would say hello, this is my first official post. I haven't done alot of towing, but I have and do on occasion. My hauler is a 97 K2500HD, ECLB 454, 4l80, 14ff with 4.10s. I've towed my old 90 GMC RCSB on a tow dolly(don't know if that counts as "towing" or not) with 2 454s in the bed, a welder, a Dana 60 front axle, and some other misc. parts in the bed, towed it from Fort Myer in Arlington VA to Binghamton NY, set the cruise at 70, and it never dropped below that. I was impressed with the truck!! I've towed (this time it was on a trailer) my old car from Broomfield CO to Bingo, and forgot the car was back there. Truck does a good job of towing. But, I need to sell the truck in the absolute worst way. Wifey and I just had a baby, and when she goes back to work, we have to put the baby in daycare. There is no financial way to do this, as Im still making payments on the truck. Since it is a heavy duty truck, figured this would be a good place to try to sell it.