Just made my 12th payment on my 2006 Dodge already, my how time flyes, and it's still new. And for those of you that own yours outright, congrats and move along please.
DANG! you have had that 1 year allready!! WOW time is flying by...another year and you can refi your home and pay off your truck loan waytogo Then go out and buy another toy...it is a great cycle to get in fer collecting 'toys'! See ya in a month or so waytogo Burt
No, I'm pretty sure my payments are higher, but the nice thing is, it will only be 4 years old when I own it free and clear. waytogo
Man, I learned my lesson with the last house, I will never soak up any equity that I have with my current home, plus the housing market here in the Denver area is stabilizing or has stabilized I should say.
Ya I hear ya, it's a paper shuffeling game. My wife being a RealEstate agent helps as she can make sure the right loans are used. It's not so much soaking up equity as it is getting the RIGHT loan. Having rental properties helps too.waytogo California is sukin right now too, but that is ok cuz I'm done getting toys for now. I wana sell everything (houses) and move to the hills to 'simplify' life, but my wife says not for another 6yrs or so :doah: I wait.....
I just sent Payment #24 out of 60 in just a few days ago. Just about to reward myself with a Smarty CaTCHER thingee...
My payments are automatically taken out of my bank account so I don't know what I'm on... lol. Wait, lets see, carry the 1, ok, 25th payment of 48 will be pulled out on Tuesday, yay?