Check out this website. Ford lists why the 6.0 is better than the Dmax or CDT with what I think are poor arguments. Not to mention the picture of the chevy isnt even a full size truck. Who do they think their fooling?
Bull crap. I have heard on the forums over and over that the Cummins seems to handle cold starts better than the Fords. When I was in West Yellowstone in Janruary with 0-5* temps the 4 Ford PSDs that were in our group struggled to get their idle smoothed out. My dad's Ram fired right up like it was a summer afternoon.
Geez! There is a whole mess of parts on that 6.0. :doah: Too bad they didn't say: Disclaimer: The Ford Powerstroke 6.0 will no longer be in production for the 2007 year. It couldn't quite cut it. rotfl
ROFL That is just too easy ..... so just how often do Ford owners have to remove the intake and oil pan?
That's just plain embarrassing for Ford... Whoever came up with the idea and/or implementation of that site should loose their job.
im not sure if you know it or not, but the 6.0 cannot meet emissions standards for the 2007-2008 year. Thats the reason why ts being discontinued. Ford sure could have made some better points, they dropped the ball "again" Not to bring up old stuff, but at least when international posted thier comparason between the cummins and the t444e they made some excellent points and true comparisons between the two and really told it like it was. even international refers to the 6.0 as thier economical engine choice, that statement alone is enough for me not to want one.
I cant speak for the 6.0, but i have never had any problems starting my truck in below 0 weather, always fired up quick fast and in a hurry. I also have never experienced getting my idle smoothed out when cold. My duramax always fired up fast too in the cold. I dont have any experience with the cummins so I cant say either way. But i do know that the ford 7.3 and the duramax fire right up in below 0 weather without any struggles.
I can confirm that on the DMax. I got stuck in an over-night in a snow/ice blizard with no heater and no grill cover. Got up that morning at something like -5* ambient! Figured I would have the devil to pay getting it going. It *might* have turned over 2 extra times before it lit, and then settled into a smooth even idle... Then again, it has that new fangled advanced technology; glow plugs... And it had no problems keeping temp going down the road either. I can't imagine how cold it would have to be to need those things, maybe in Canada or Alaska...
Sheesh, that is very poor advertising for even the novice diesel head. A lot of heresay and not much fact.......To paraphrase a quote : "The 6.0 PS makes 15 more hp and is therefore better".rotfl "The 6.0 PS runs 0-60 in 12.8 seconds, the Dmax in 12.9....the PS is better". And the glow plug - grid heater comparison is just laughable! Or how about the servicability of the filters comparison?rotfl Couldn't help but notice they didn't want to give a cost comparison of those filters, either!! Way to go Ford!!waytogo waytogo
i agree, and get the facts right. 6-speed manual for an Cheby, 610lbs of TQ for a cummins, i can keep going...
that site is all bs, the fords dont even come pair to the d-max , i raced my friend and both of are trucks are stock, and he has a 6.0 ford and i got a lly gmc, i smoked his ass, so i dont know why ford is so happy about there 0-60 time .
Ford is grasping at straws since they swaped to the 6.0 hopefuly the 6.4 will be better a whole lot better once they get it releasedopcorn:
Gride Heater, Glow plugs who care I plug my truck in when it gets cold. put a KImStart on your truck.
Not trying to rain on the PS parade but if it's for emmision reasons why is Ford giving a $2500 rebate for the 2003-2006 PS owners to trade them in for the model with the new engine. I know it don't get cold here as it does every where else but i don't have to use my wait to start or nothing even when it icy here. I know the Fords on our lease wouldn't do that but hey to each his own. I like to be able to hit the key and not have to wait to turn the heater on.:stir:
2004 PS 70mph just shut off. 2005 PS went into store it just died wouldn't start back up. 2005 PS 15,000 miles injectors ****. I don't think it's cause of the emmision requirements that it's going away. I think it's cause it wasn't all they thought it would be, personally.
actually it was only short lived due to emissions they all are upping the displacemnt to make up for loss of hp from the new emissions gear. yes they knew it was coming but all three acted like it was not going to happen bunch of dummies.
All three have a new engine for 2007. Ford 6.4, Dodge 6.7, and Chevy LMM. The change of all the motors is because of the more stringent emissions in 2007. The 6.0 couldn't meet emisions nor could the 5.9 cummins. If you think otherwise you are a :doah: .This article I think was from 2003 when the 6.0 made it's debute. The comparrison could have been alot better. The 6.0 I agree is probably the weakest motor of the BIG THREE. However if you want a real truck (NO IFS B.S.) and a real crewcab (QUAD CAB doesn't count) then the Ford is the only choice. Dodge didn't introduce the Megacab till late 2005,2006 and only had a 4 speed auto till this year.