My 00 ford diesel has alot of modifications done to it between 2200 and 3000 rpm's i can hear my turbo making noise it sound almost like a gobble like it is getting to much air. How do i solve this problem. Is it compressor surge and my wastegate.
Look into something called a Wicked Wheel. Its a known problem with the 99.5+ PSDs to have turbo surge when modified to some degree. Does your boost guage show any fluctuations when this noise happens?
no my boost gauge does not fluctuate at all it holds steady all the way through all the ranges, someone told me i may need a bigger wastegate and a bigger valve on the waste gate
If you think it is the wastegate, pull the hose off of it, and take it for a ride. If the problem still exists, its not the wastegate, if the problem goes away, its the wastegate. I still think the compressor wheel is causing your problem.