Background: 96 F350 CC 4x4 towing approx 8-10K lbs in enclosed trailer. I will be towing my stuff from Tucson, AZ to Las Cruces, NM, and then on to Springfield, MO. I have towed stuff before, but never this much wieght for this amount of traveling. My truck is basically stock w/ a EGT/boost gauge and the Superchips programmer. I have it set at towing >6000 lbs. So, do I still keep the truck in OD and let the computer do the shifting? SHould I run in non-OD? I thought I read somewhere that the computer monitors shifting this? Also, I am kinda doing a pre-check on my truck trailer. The following is what I'm checking. Any coments: TRUCK: Tire presure Spare Brakes, Fr & Rr Bearings, Fr & Rr Tranny fluid Oil (approx 1000 miles on last oil/filter change) Rad fluid Air fliter Windshield washer fluid Lights, ALL TRAILER: Lights, ALL Tire pressure Spare Hubs/Bearings Chains Emergency (battery) braking system Also, any general towing advice will be greatly appreciated. I plan on driving 65-70 if it seems to tow alright at that speed. Also based on my hillclimb EGTs. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANY HELP!!!!!
Don't forget either a Hydraulic Floor jack or pick up a fifth wheel, wheel ramp so if you get a flat or a wheel bearing on the trailer off the ground. Here's a link for the fifth wheel thing.. Dave
I picked up the bearing/etc today at lunch. I'n not able to get the 2nd spare right now, however, my 4 tires an dmy spare are all brand new as in less tha 25 miles. I realize that this may not matter, but I will be traveling with another vehcile for part of the trip. I figure if I need the spare, I will get the damaged tire fixed/replaced at he next town. Also, I have my tools, 3.5 ton floor jack, spare, and other necessities within reasonable access in the event that I need them.
Almost brand new. At least less than 3K miles on it. I also have a replacement. I've learned this lesson the hard way
my truck will not run over 65 in 3rd gear so I always leave it in OD the torque of the diesel pulls it really well
our pulling 8-10000 with a 1 ton ,just go for it ,should not have any problems for that short a distance
If the trans starts hunting or shifting in and out of OD then turn OD off. This should only be an issue in AZ and NM due to hills. The rest of the trip should be fairly flat depending on your route. If the EGT's are getting hot on long uphills shift out of OD in order to get the RPM's up (2500-2700), this will cool your EGT. Once you reach the summit of the hill then turn the OD back on. Your truck can easily handle the weight, but considering its non intercooled the EGT's might become a small issue.
Well, the trip went sort of fine. I had a blow out about 65 miles into the trip, which kinda of gave me an uneasy feeling for the res of the trip. However, when I stopped to get it replced, the cause was determined. I had all radial tires except 1. Due to the different way bias plys & radials work, it caused more stress on the BP and that's the one that blew. Lesson learned. Now, to finish sorting out all stuff I have to get it into storage for the next year:doah: