Well just sold the truck last Sunday...Im sad to see it go...I really liked that truck. Oh well just one step closer to a new one!!imp: Now I just have to decide...DMAX/ALLI or Cummins/6-speed...If only all the choices in life were this difficult.:doah:
I really like the DMAX trucks and think that they have the best interior by far. I also like heavy duty feel of the dodge with the 6-speeds. I dont mind rowing my own gears but my wife wont ever drive the truck if its a stick. Of course that could be good or bad...
I'm biased to the Cummins. I'm also looking for a new truck as the one in my sig is my dad's, but I can't afford a new one, so I'm looking for a slightly used one. My preferences would be a '01-'02 Powerstroke or a '00-'02 Cummins most likely dually.
I have an '06 Cummins with a 6spd. I love it. Like the way it pulls and drives. Shifting doesnt bother me. I prefer a stick anyway. As far as diesel engines go, they are both good and like anything else both have their own ups and downs although there is something to be said about a strait 6. waytogo
yeah my wife not being able to drive stick and finding a great deal on a auto made my stray away from the manuals,plus I cound find a single manual in my area made it really hard.I do like the feel of the manual Fords and Dodge is comming out with a Aisin,I think thats right,6 speed auto tranny in 07 or 08.
I have a stick that I'd like...umm...driven. Now, to find the right lady Or maybe to wrong one would be better DISCLAIMER: This was not directed at anyone specific, to include anyone's significant other. Just good humor. Okay, humor anyway:stir:
Well atleast she knows how if a situation comes where she has to. Both my parents tried and tried to teach my sister, but she never has learned enough to turn her loose. My wife on the other hand, her first car was a stick and she wants to learn the twin stick on the Mack when I get it home. I say go for the 6 speed, especially if that is what you really want. She'll learn out of necessity.
I love my cummins 6spd. I believe you need to purchace the truck that you really want . these trucks are too expensive to trade around all the time . If you have any doubt about rowing that stick you better rethink it . I love the cummins engines simplicity, power and sound.
I dont have any doubts myself. I love rowing my own gears I am just torn between the two trucks they both have lots of pros and cons so I will just have to set up some extended test drives when I get ready to buy and figure out which one I want.:doah:
well i have to say brisk and i have both driven the new rams and love them and have both driven new dmax's and love those new badass clutch for ram $1100 and new baddass tanny for dmax 6K$ weich those differences and even though they are both reliable it's really preferance my wife can drive a stick really well but is just to short to reah the pedals
I get tired of trying to teach my wife how to drive a straight shift but I will try once again just with a new to me 240SX and a better clutch and throw out bearing.Last time everytime the throw out bearing would whine she would flip out or over throtle her take offs and get us close to a ditch or wall or fence and I would yell for her to stop:doah:
CTD 6 speed all the way. Thats what i have and i love it. 06 and no probs. the g/f tried to drive it she can do it if need be but i wont trun her loose in it alone.
It was a tough decision for me too. Honestly it comes down to which one you like better... just re-test drive the two and see which one you like better (sound, driveability, looks, etc.) They are both awesome trucks and either would last you for a really long time... Brandon does have a good point though... i am dreading the day when i have to replace my transmission for upwards of $3k whereas if i had a stick i could spend $1100 on a clutch and call it good. That's if you want to mod it anyways (which i know you do)
amen to that but yeah 6 spd is only way to go for sure i would only do it if i bought a ram though d-max on the other hand allison asspecially cause you only get LB7 power with the 6spd in that
Hey, Im 15 and my gf drives the stick!!!HAHA JK JK i probably just gave all the old men on this website with teenage sons and daughters a heart attack!!!!!!!! rotfl imp: imp: imp: