I'll retire from Civil Service Instructing on 31 Oct. I bought the truck to haul trailers. So, I'm searching to learn all the "tricks of the trade" that I can as to increasing truck performance and hauling techniques.
Well here I are in Elkhart, Ind. going through 2 days of orientation to transport RV trailers to dealers. Sure hope it pays for my new truck. They said I'll be hooked up and hauling tomorrow afternoon. I was surprised at what little effort pulling a 31 ft trailer was for that Cummings.
sorry for not getting back to you sooner...I retired 31 Oct from teaching 20 years at the CE electrical course at Sheppard AFB. I bought an 07 Dodge quad cab desiel and am now hauling RV trailers from Indiana throughout the US and Canada. as of now I'm taking a traile to vancover BC and happened to find a truck stop in ND with free wireless. the best to you John
Kind of what I guessed. I am trying to get there as a Power Pro instructor. I just submitted my package a few weeks ago, but it isn't looking too good. From what I here they just extended the instructors another year and now the AF is saying that they are not wanting to PCS people until they have 48 time on station. My 3 years are up here at RED HORSE at Nellis, but looks like I may have to do another year and another 6+ month trip to Iraq. Be safe out there and enjoy retirement! Sounds like you found a pretty cool hobby that you get paid for! waytogo
Camper Hauling Good luck with the camper thing. This time of year it really slows down until Jan. Then late June it about stops for vac., invatorey, and new models. I pulled for Bennet and Horizion for about 2 years until they got so cheap that I had to quit or lose the truck! Started hauling cars and the dead-head miles went down to less than 5%. What a difference in the bottom line. FYI, most McDonalds have free Wi-Fi. If I could answer any questions, just shoor me a pm. Larry
I did the camper thing for Quality for 4 months till i figured out that there are much better ways to make money out there. Dead headin sucks! Quality does very very little to help find back hauls, you can get out west and stay running up and down the coast but gettin home is usually a free ride. You get out west and need to get back let me know maybe able to help.