Hello, I'm new here and I am planning to re-build/upgrade my 48RE Transmission. I only have about 38,000 miles on it and the fluid looks good. I also already have an ATS Deep tranny pan with temp sender. Any Suggestions? Right now I am thinking of using an ATS 5-clutch converter. Alto Red eagle Clutches Raybestos single sided overdrive clutches 300M input shaft 4.2:1 or 5.0:1 front band lever I haven't decided on a valve body/shift kit yet. Maybe the ATS valve body for use with their Commander lockup controller? Any comments on the billit servos, ore they worth it? Oops, also right now I'm only making around 450 HP, so if there are parts that are over kill for this power level please let me know. For example, i don't think I will need a billit output shaft? But what about flexplate, intermedate shaft, bands, etc?
WHEN i replace my stock 48RE i will probably go with suncoast. Bobby tells me that they are the best value for the buck. I have the edge juice w/ attitude installed and my stock tranny just doesnt perform too well when that thing is turned up. what i really want is one of those lockup controllers because the truck performs so much better when the clutch is locked. i think suncoast just came out with a controller similar to the one made by ats. the suncoast built 48RE is about $2500 on their website www.suncoastconverters.com
I will most likely go with ATS like 451Mopar due to ATS is local (Colorado) and is a benefit to have the shop perform the work without a middleman or middle shop, same for you with suncoast being in Cali. Both Companies have great reps.
Suncoast is in Fort Walton Beach, Fl. I would not use the ATS kit myself. I have well over 600 hp and my Suncoast holds great. I have had a few of these apart and for a do it yourslefer the Suncoast Extreme Duty rebuild kit is complete. I think if you are serious about going this route I can help. I have 5 different brands of transmissions available, including ATS. Local does not mean best. You will be ok without the output as long as you don't do ant 20psi boosted launches. Yes, you will need a front band. Stock replacement won't be worth 2 cents. You need the Hemi style, or full faced. I would use the Hi Altos Eagle reds all through. Also, they are available is several thicknesses as are the steels. You need to get teh right ones. Do the 5.0 lever Yes do the flexplate Rebuildomg the OD section will require sone special tooling to be built. Very basic stuff, nothing too hard. It will also require a shop press. Get a factory service manual prior to attemptiong this. It will make things much easier. If you get in a bind and don't know what to do, call me and we'll see if we can get you headed the right direction. Jason
i have done stock rebuilds on the older 618, so I know the basics on what it takes to rebuild one. I haven't done a 48RE though, and all the performance options leve me with questions. ATS claims the new 5-clutch converter is easier on the input shaft than the older 3 clutch design? It seems everyone has a different approach to modifing the valve body too?
I don't know how the clutch count can affect the input shaft really. most of your stress on the input is during the launch anyhow and the clutch count has no effect there. I know I have no slippage with my power and 3 disc converter. As for the rebuild, its really not too much harder than what you have already done. Again, with the manual its a breeze, as long as you have all the parts needed. The Valve bodies there can be some variations, but for the most part everyone is doing the same thing. Some run more or less lin pressure and such. i really don't know all the specifics.
I've also heard that the ATS 5 disk is supposed to be smoother, rather a smoother ingagement. I have a Suncoast VB and a generic low stall performance converter. I'm happy. I believe all the big trans brands are good, as most use the same stuff anyway.
Agreed. And some charge way more just because of the name. Typically, "brand-x" is just as good as the name brand
Suncoast Uh, Stupid old me thought Suncoast was way down here, close to Lil Cuba, Florida! But I have been wrong before. Have neverheard anything bad about Suncoast or Dave Gorend in Iowa. Have his TQ in a hard working 03 Dodge DRW 4WD. Always hauling heavy and have over 300,000 hard miles. Before Gorend, trans was pretty weak, but after the new TQ, I can leave 4 very large, thick, shiney black marks behind me if I wanna!!!!
Trans Oh what a long list. I have an Edge EZ set on 2. AFE drop in air filter, dual remote by-pass oil filter, 4in stainless exhaust, extra guages and fuel tank, air bags on the rear axle, and don't engage the 4WD very much!! Also have Amsoil products every where, ( engine, diffs and tranny) Just step on the brake and after the boost gets up there, cut her loose and grin!!! Am thinking about selling her and getting a bigger truck.
tire marks Yea < what he says, I have a DRW and ain't smart enough ta get the truck sig on here. One of ya smart fellows is gonna have to swing by and show me how to get stuff done on the old PC. And teach me about the speel check thingie!!!!!
Cisco, Shoot me a PM of what you would like in your sig, I think I can do it for you, or at least I'll try.waytogo
Thanks for the input guys. I start a new job Monday, so maybe after Christmas i can save up a few $$$$ to get the transmission built. I think it is still leaking from the front pump area. I would not be suprised if the converter hub was cracked. Anyone upgrade their flexplate too? Is it really needed?