We are participating in a local fundraiser to help the family of a fallen Sherrif's Deputy. Here is the write up from Cummins Forum. We will be donating raffle items and will be participating in the race and Show and Shine. I would like to extend the following invitation to all Tow Rig members to show support for a Peace Officer killed in the line of duty. Hey guys/gals I just wanted to let you all know about an event/fundraiser that will be taking place Saturday Dec 2nd in the Sacramento area. Proceeds for the event will go to a local sherriff that was killed in the line of duty. Here are some of the details on the tragic death: ************************************************** ******************* Deputy Jeffrey Mitchell Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department End of Watch: October 27, 2006 At 3:27 a.m. this morning (Friday, 10/27/06), a Sacramento Sheriff's Deputy assigned to the South Bureau conducted a vehicle stop at Meiss and Dillard Roads on a white Chevrolet van with one occupant. Approximately seven minutes later, the Sheriff's Communications Center conducted a welfare check on the officer, without a response units responded to his location. The initial responding unit arrived at the location approximately 20 minutes later and found the Deputy with a gunshot wound to his head. At that point, officers requested emergency medical aid for the Deputy and initiated a large perimeter to begin conducting a search of the area. The Deputy was transported to the UC Davis Medical Center, where he was pronounced deceased at 4:45 a.m. as a result of his injuries. Currently, an ongoing extensive search of the surrounding area and the southern part of Sacramento County is being conducted by multiple agencies including the California Highway Patrol, Sacramento Police, Elk Grove Police, Folsom Police, Rancho Cordova Police, Amador County Sheriff's Office and numerous other law enforcement agencies. Anyone with information regarding the van, which may have suffered damage while fleeing the scene or the homicide of this Sheriff's Deputy, please contact the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department at (800)471-1700 or (916)874-6500 or via the Sacramento County Sheriff's website at www.sacsheriff.com . Deputy Jeffrey Mitchell, 38, is a 9-year veteran of the Sacramento Sheriff's Department and has been assigned to Patrol Services since 2002. He is survived by his wife and young children. For those of you who may not have caught our address, Deputy Mitchell was killed while patroling our street approximately 4 miles from our front gate. He was a good man and a good deputy. We know most of the deputies around here personally and he was no exception. At any rate, I hope that you all will get into the spirit of things and pick up a t-shirt or get a raffle ticket! 100% of the proceeds will be deposited into the family's account at the bank I bank at. Also, looks like we may get some local media coverage so shine those trucks! i would love to show those in attendance outside of the the Dodge Diesel world what it is all about and perhaps we have some tugg-o-war or something? I am open to ideas as the the more folks we get to participate, the more we raise for Deputy Mitchell's family.
http://www.dieseltruckresource.com/dev/showthread.php?t=123147&page=10 Towards the bottom of the page in the link is some pics from the event. Scott
Had a great time, awesome event. Great to meet new folks and catch up with old friends. We gotta do this more often!