Anyone have one yet ??? I have a '03 CTD dually w/ 6 speed and have been at the dealer working a deal on an '07 3500 dually w/ 6 speed 4X4... just wonderin' if anyone has one and if they have had any issues.... I noticed that some of the trucks on the lot have a transfer case shift lever,,and some of them have push button "on the fly" 4X4. The dealer claims the shift lever trucks are parts left over from the '06's as there is no option for the lever or the push button. My thought is anything that is not electronicaly controlled is a good thing on a 4X4.... any thoughts,,,comments on the 07's ????????????
Can't comment on the 07, I wanted the manual lever on my 06 but couldn't get it on my 06 with the Sport package but could on a plain SLT I believe, I checked around before hand and no one had a problem with the push button t-case and I havent either.
The electric shifts are good units. Only probs they ever have are if the wiring to the case motor gets snagged on something. Just have to know wherre it is and make sure you don't run anything over.
As Steve Fox said, I think it depends on the trim packages. I think you can only get an electric shift in higher packages, not real sure. I highly doubt the stick shift cases are "left over" from 2006 models. It's rediculous IMHO, that 99% salesmen have little idea of what they are selling. All most know is what color option you can get... but I blame some of that on the consumer, as it seems more and more people only care about what color they can get and cab configuration.
I know I have beat on my t case on the track and have yet to have an issue with it shifting. I did notice it went into Low faster after the Amsoil.
By now they have the electronic shift down to where its every reliable and I do miss the manual lever myself but like the bit more cab and let space it gives in case I have 6 folks in my truck or a lot of dogs more realisticaly in my case.
I'm not a fan of the electric shift tcases either but I do agree with what has been said before. The companies have worked any bugs out of them already so the reliability is good. I keep telling people that are worried about that issue is to just use 4WD on a regular basis and you'll never have a problem with it once you need it. The people who have problem with it not working when they need it is because they never cycle it on a regular basis and thats when parts in the system end up getting FUBARed when you need it most. Scott
I would like to see a full time four wheel drive come from Detroit with lockers in both axles that would be one rig with the ablility to launch might use a bit more fuel but for area with bad storms it would work wonders.
I don't know of any changes to the 07 dually except for the tail lights and side emblems. My 06 with 48re has done great.
Another thing to consider is the 6 speed in the 07 is different than the one in your '03. You'd be trading a better (IMO) geared NV5600 for a G56 which has a shorter O/D ratio.
Yeah,,I noticed that when I was laying under the truck at the dealers lot...( I also think the NV5600 is a better trans ) The sales "kid" couldn't understand why I was so concerned with looking at the drivetrain...the best he could offer is "you don't have to worry about anything,,, it's all new and under warranty..... Poor kid couldn't even drive a stick ( and even admitted it !!! )rotfl When we went out on a test drive ,,I told him he needed to get with one of the service techs and ask him to show him how to drive a stick.... BTW--thanks for all of the feedback,,,and yes,I am the proud owner of a new INFERNO RED 2007 3500 CTD SLT QUAD CAB DUALLY 4X4---It is so sweeeeet !!!!:bling: :bling: :bling: :bling:
Most guys just leave it in 4wd. Heck, when I went racing I slipped it in 4wd before the first run and put it back in 2wd a couple of hours later as I went through the exit gate headed for home. Far as I know you aren't supposed to shift the tcase above 45mph or so?? Plus, the CAD doesn't release until you get out of the power anyway, so for us 2nd gen guys with CAD I don't think it matters anyway.
Did they change the headlights on the 07? Looks like the orange parking light that runs along the bottom of the 2006 headlight is now chrome or not there?
The whole front of the truck looks narrower (sic) ? to me... If you look at the space behind the headlight,,that's where the Cummins badge used to be,,,,now it is back on the fender near the door.....speaking of doors,,,I hit my head on the door frame of this truck getting in and out and didn't on my '03 Either the seat is higher or the door frame is lower HHHMMMM,,,, and the tail lights are different,,,,I liked the look of the older ones,,,the '07 has two flat round spots made into the lens,that protrude out ,they look like crap,IMHO I was reading the warranty manual that came with the truck,,,in the maint. schedule every 3750 miles it states to grease the front door shaft fitting. It's a 4x4 so I'm sure they mean the front "DRIVE " shaft fitting.......