OK here is the deal. I have had this happen twice now. First time i lost just the right turn signal on the trailer only. I took the truck in to the local truck repair shop found that it was dead at the fuse block. Had to go to the dealer and have my comp reset. This time i lost running lights on the trailer only have turns and brakes. Replaced blown fuse still dead at the block back to the dealer to reset copm. $100 both times.:doah: wont cover under warrenty cause it was caused by my trailer. The truck is an 06 3500 4X4 dually quad cab. Anyone have this issue? Oh and i cant trace it to the trailer because i tow many different trailers that are offt times damaged so yes they may have wiering issues in them. If this is the way the dodge system really works then.... im gettin a DMAX!
im sure it is the wiring in the trailer... if there was really that much of a problem, nobody would buy dodges.
im sure its in the trailers. so i guess that if your gunna haul different trailers that may have issues dont buy a dodge cause once you blow a fuse you also have to get your comp reset. :dunno:
well went to the dealer again to have this problem resolved. This time they said that they bumped the internal breaker up to 30 amps so it should not happen again. This is the oddest tiing i have ever had to deal with. If I had not tested the buse block my self i would never belived this.