i have a set of stage five jammers and was wandering if i install these with the stock hx35 with boost elbo and stage 2 afe intake if things will get to hot. i paln on getting a turbo but not till next summer.
CRISPY comes to mind with that combo. You should still be able to drive it around just fine but long hard acceleration it's gonna get crisp. Just keep one eye on the EGT gauge and get a Turbo as soon as you can. I didnt see in your sig if you have a chip or not but for referance I ran the stage 4 Edge nozzles, Edge Drag comp, HTB62/12, Intake full 4" exhaust system and freeway running about 16-1700 rpm flat road would be about 1000 deg. Getting on the freeway was a differant story. 1600 deg by 80 was no problem and if I was passing someone from a 60mph start 1600 deg again before I was around the car. dan
i forgot to mention what other mods i have, i'm running a edge juice,afe stage2, ats intake manafold,4'' magnaflow, 3\8'' fuel line kit and bd pusher pump. but i got a hell of a deal on a set of stage 5 jammers and .093'' schied cross over tubes. just wandering if it will be safe. right now even driving hard my egt's don't get above 1400 degrees
Oh man...stage 5... I don't think I would even install them until you get a real turbo. You can already go past the safe limit with just your Juice, so you won't be able to actually use any of the additional power from the injectors. Really, they'll just be in the way without a much larger turbo IMHO. Put them in a box and wait till you can buy a 62/14 IMHO.
Um, 1400 is above the limit, so adding more fuel is a bad idea. You are trapped by your stock turbo for now. Just side track those nice new stick till you get more air. If you don't, you will be doing more than a turbo, and it won't be cheap.