Looking for info about a broker or dispatcher for my 3 car hauler I have . also how they work ,pay,good or bad ?
I have a broker business but only deal with class 8 freight trucks. I couldn't tell you what kind of rates are in the car business, but I don't think they are bad at all. Probably better than other things. I see a lot of hot shoters pulling cars.
Broker Don't trust any broker for quick pay. They ain't to durn quick and always find some extra charges to keep more of your money!! PM me and I can give ya a phone number for a fellow I'm leased to hauling cars. imp:
I talked to a hotshoter here in Denver a while back who has a 3 car trailer, I thought he said he gets around 400.00-500.00 a car depending on weight.
O.K., thanks, I'll keep you in mind if I decide to step up, not quite sure about this hotshotting with a 1 ton as of late.
Legal yes got class A w/ca number and MCP in process and expensive ass insurance .There is a guy that comes to my work that charges about $500 for 2 from stockton to tulare
Pay I guess I need to find a company to let me charge my fuel for 2 weeks!!!! Also my truck, trailer, and ins payments!!!rotfl rotfl :stir: CISCO
business 101.... You need to have what is called operating capital. "operating capital"- money set aside that is SUFFICIENT to fund your business operation for "X" amount of weeks. People that don't get this, aren't in business for long. You've got nothing to criticize about, heck most companies pay their employees every two weeks. If an owner operator doesn't have enough money to pay his fuel, insurance, and equipment payments without recieving money in a very short span of two weeks then he needs to be looking for a job. I farm mostly, I put out a ton of money in the spring to get planted, and recieve most of my money in the fall. I go months apon months without recieving money, but do just fine because I have operating capital. 2 weeks....lolrotfl
I Haul Rv From time to time for Dealers in GA and FL and Go to IN on ocasion to pick up @ the factory and I get paid in no more than 3 days upon submiting my Paper work. Good Luck. F/P
3 Days is pretty durn good for a honest working man, but those scondrels that say they have quick pay and won't pay you for 3 to 4 weeks are just plain old crooks and cheats. I've been trucking for over 30 years and a lot of brokers sure are dishonest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!