A section for alternative fuel options and another for how-tos and installations. I can provide a lot of content and even document the process as I convert my diesel suburban to run on vegetable oil.
How much content do you have? I was waiting for a bit more traffic but if you have a lot of stuff to post and info to share we could start it early.
Right now I can provide a list of links to kits and general info. I can write some additional content when I install the conversion kit in my sub.
This would be nice, not just because I'm from California. My grandfather lived in Oregon before he died, and used a mix that he got from a dealer, which didn't care about the amount of mixture. Remember the chevy Dmax manual says 15% of bio diesel mix. I've got to admit that I liked the smell. It would be nice to know what other options are available.
Here are some links. http://www.frybrid.com http://www.veggiesub.com - My Site http://www.southerngrease.com/ http://biodiesel.infopop.cc/eve/forums http://www.vegistroke.com/ http://www.plantdrive.com/ http://www.greasecar.com/ I can scrounge up some more later.