I have placed an order for a 2007 KZ New Vision 41KGx2 fifth wheel toy hauler and it is a switch from our present tag along. I don't have the Fifth Wheel connector in the bed as it came with just the connector under the bumper. This is a 2005, 3500 4x4 Chevy dually long bed and I asked at the parts counter if GM made something to go into the harness at the front of the bed to place a connector up front, they told me no but they didn't even look in a book just said no. Question, does GM make a accessory that does this or do I have to connect to the rear and drag it up into the bed and connect to the fifth wheels harness? If GM doesn't make one does any one else make one and if so who and does any one have a part # and price???? thanks guys
tap into the harness at the frame rail or bumper and run a seperate set of wires into the bed and mount your plug where you want it..... not a big deal..............
Some GM trucks (RPO code UY2) have a wiring harness just for this purpose. It is an option when the truck is ordered. If your doesn't have the option, then get someone who is experienced in wiring, someone you know will do a clean job, to splice into the trailer wiring in the harness and install an in bed connector. Some 5th wheels also have long enough connectors that they will be able to plug into the under bumper connector.
I can do the splicing myself I was an ASE mechanic for about 15 years until I got a better job with more money and less hours and way less stress, I just hate to cut into the harness as I live in New Hampshire and they love to put salt down in the winter months and no matter how much you insulate it the salt still seems to work into the wire splice and starts to corrode and short out things, that is why I wanted and plug like they have when you put a trailer hitch on a car Hoppy and others makes a plug and it is simple and non evasive and works good. I am also trying to take the easy way out.
I had a customer who didn't want his factory wiring touched, so i just ordered an extension harness from draw tite. it had the standard 7 pin rv plug that works with the factory conn. on one end and is blank on the other i had to put a 7 sae (round pin) recepticle in the bed.then i installed a 7rv receptical up behind the bumper to store the extra harness,it keeps it clean and safe when your not using it or if you have to tow a regular trailer. This is what my customer wanted, it was quick easy and so far survived 2 salty new york winter this will be the third if it ever snows.What you can also do is if your good with a soldering gun you can look through a drawtite catalog get yourself two of the direct wiring kits and spice them together so that one plugs right into your standard 7 pin the you'll have a second one to plug into a plug in the bed. I would only recomend solder and heat shrink. this way is more dificult but you never have to skin or cut any factory wires and its pretty much a permanent but removeable system. Hope this helps not just confuses you this is quick summary cause i suck at typing and it took me about 20 minutes to type this, if you have any questions just type back and i'll try to answer you in a timely manor
Order one of these and you wont have to risk damageing any of your factory wiring. http://www.etrailer.com/mm5/merchan...ode=E&Product_Code=V30133&Category_Code=VWH5W
thanks guy for the info and beleive it or not that is the same place I am ordering my Fifth Wheel Hitch from as they have the custom brackets so the only drilling is 4 holes for the 22K signature hitch to clip to. thanks again pete