Bought a used Warn 9lb winch to mount on my trailer to pull up dead cars/trucks onto the trailer. My question is where would be the best/ideal place to mount the winch? Should it go on the deck or up higher towards the top of the neck? Anyone have any ideas on what would be better to power it? Battery on the trailer or make leads to run up to the battery on the tow vehicle, like a quick disconnect? Eric
I'd say about mid-way,(of deck and top of the neck) or a little lower. I see alot of guys doing it that way around here.
I did the mid-way route, winch was about 2 feet off the deck, but I ended up lowering it to the deck after I tried to load a second vehicle behind the first. With it on the deck, I just pass the cable under the first. To protect the cable, I carry some 4x6's to run the cable over when it drops over the beaver tail or the end of the trailer.
all tow trucks that are flat bed and also salvage tow trucks have them mounted down low to the deck. i have mine on the head of the trailer and about 3 inch off the deck.
I was expecting to see pics of mounting a winch on a Buick when I saw "GN". I usually see that abbreviation for Grand National.
hard to do that with a 5' beavertail.... it will drag your deck on a deckover gooseneck and F up your winch cable.......