well medved here in castle rock colorado screwed up my financing on my new truck and i now have to give it back to themand can not keep it. so i am very sad my new addition is now gone. any theraputic advice would be nice. thanks
did you sign paperwork? if you did, i'm not real sure they can refuse the deal, since there is a legally binding contract.
Think of it as "free use" They are required to give ALL your funds back. How much tread is left on the rear tires? opcorn:
haha i know well the finance department screwed up from the start buy not calling my boss and getting payroll reports from him, cause i get 1099'ed at work and pay my own taxes at the end of the year therefore i dont get paystubs with my pay check. so finance waited so long to do anything that the credit union called yesterday and said we dropped this loan find another lender and that was it. so they called me and told me what happened and i was ticked! and they had the truck at the dealership anyways putting on my clearance lamps and exhaust brake so now i dont even have the truck in my possesion and cant fry the rear tires! so needless to say they are trying to force me to do my taxes right now and turn in my taxes to them for proof of income but my taxes wont be done till the end of the month. so i now am no longer going to be the owner of my nice truck and that pisses me off! so im giving the keys back today and we'll see where it goes from here. p.s. if you live in colorado never ever ever buy from medved autoplex.....damn bit**es.
Wow, that really sucks to hear. It's a PITA when you attempt to get companies to work togeather so you can buy something. Seems they only ever care about themselves.
yeah im just another bad customer of theirs i went tonight backedout of the deal and im done so next will be a 3500 dually sport in black or charcoal. with some nice features but we'll see.
well i apreciate the support through this hard time haha but ill get through and look for pics hopefully in the next 6 months or so for another truck probably a black or charcoal sport dually with black rims! woohoo. thanks again.
There's always another truck.. sometimes things happen for a reason anyway! Many dealers will find they exact truck you want, even used! What happened is they delivered the vehicle (was it a weekend or evening?) on an assumption of financing based on the strength of your credit. Until funded by the bank though, it can be unwound by them. They arent responsible for guaranteeing the financing. They did you a favor by not making you wait to take the truck, but I bet now you wish you hadnt. Usually it works out but occasionally it doesnt. Im sorry that was the case for you.
Same happened to me last year. So I waited and saved even more money. End result was a new truck instead of a used one.
yup thats how i see it next time ill be more excited than i was this time and get even a better one more along the lines of what i want. and yeah they said when i took it home at 10 o clock that night that they may not be able to fully get the approval and then they would need it back and i dont like that just dont let us take unless it is fully ours. and the way i see it i got to drive a sick truck for two weeks at no charge!!imp: and now they have to sell it as a used vehicle!rotfl