So I asked for the truck i wanted for christmas....didnt get it, got a laptop though, guess im still aiming for june!waytogo Man I cant wait.... do any of u guys remember the first day you got your first car??? imp:
Yeah I it was a 89 F150 with a V6:doah:and a 5 speed two wheel drive crashed it into a brick wall at 65 walked away or well ran really,trying to get to a co worker across the plant I worked security at,after the wreck it went five milesan hour faster top end... Well a lap top couldnt be all that bad at least when you get a truck you can put it up as a wall paper and you can do all of your truck research online with it.I know at your age you eally want a truck but work on getting your grades right,if they are congrats,my parents held me back on my mine so keep tickets and acccidents down.My family had a heridiraty lead foot both sidesimp: and I would have a DL once I hit college and not a hospital bill or hole in the ground.
Wow, you made alot of bought a Ford rotfl HAHA jk you got a V6, and a 2 wheel drive......and you crashed it...hmmm Do u have a shrink? JK . Ya, your right about grades, my parents want me to have all A's and B's and obviously a 3.0 GPA. This semester, i got a couple A's, a couple B's, a C in Algebra, dont know how the F*** that happened, i had an A, must have been finals, and an F in Spanish :doah: :doah: :doah: That was only because no one in my class learned anything and everyone had an F so my parents didnt care, AND my teacher got FIRED rotfl rotfl rotfl . I also have a lead foot problem, and I ONLY HAVE MY PERMIT. Got to be careful about that. A couple people I know have fuzz busters (radar and lazer detector) and they work very good. So i might get one of those because my parents will take away the truck if grades are bad or i get a ticket.
My first truck was a 1990 Dodge Ramcharger. That truck was in awesome shape, had 64k miles when I sold it in 2003. We used that money to buy our 2003 ram. I would love to find that old truck and swap in a 12v or somethin. That was a sweet truck.
Ok, well im still searching for trucks on the internet. My parents are becoming more "easy" with this whole thing because i am maintaing a 3.65+ GPA. So ive been looking and i was talking to Justice about HotShotting and he said if I wanted to do it I would probably need a deisel (and a couple other things that dont have to do with this). Here is one diesel i was looking at that i really like: The advantage is, is that it is the same size of the original truck i wanted: 2nd gen 3/4 ton extended cab with a short bed. The only prob is that it has 204,000 miles on it.
hot shotting is a hard industry to start in my friend and you'll need a cdl and under 21 you'll only be able to stay in state. and buy the time you can get going in it you need another truck besides that one so keep that in mind.
dodges are cheap. you could get an 03 for 12 grand. and go with the ford you'll be much happier. dodges flat out suck. i know this cuz ive owned two! the only thing good about a dodge is the cummins. and you dont get those in half tons
I don't think you want to go hotshotting just yet. I mean this in my own opinion completely, so thats that for anyone that thinks I am trying to tell another person what to do. Traveling long distances is something that can be scary in some ways. You are all alone essentially, far away from home, far away from towns at times. Everything rides on your shoulders. A person needs life experience to help them through situations that one could occur. I don't think you quite relize the amount of responsibility that you take on hauling product with a large rig on public roads. It takes experience to be able to handle all the situations that will occur, from law inforcement, insurances, load problems, navigation, mechanical difficulties, and mainly driving expertise. A 16 year old doesn't have the driving experience right out of driver's training to handle driving long distances with trailers and large pickups. Most teenagers can't even handle keeping from smashing up their first car driving back and forth to school. Not to mention, the professionality that goes with operating a commercial business like hauling for higher. I just think you are far too young and far too unexperienced to handle hot shotting. I'm not saying you can't, but it's highly unlikely you could safely and successfully do it. Being out on the road and dealing with everything associated with that, along with a large rig and all the stress of hauling loads.....We have 25-50year old people that have worked for us that can't handle the responsibility. I'd say consider the idea after college.
Oh yeah, once you come up with said diesel truck, do you have $20,000 ready to go for a trailer, insurance, equipment, and operating costs? Regardless, go with a Dodge, you'll be much happier. Don't get a Ford, Fords suck and can't keep an engine together after 2002, the only good thing about a Ford is that you don't have to buy one since there are two other better manufacturers:stir: opcorn:
Yeah, you are right. But i would like a diesel anyway. Im kinda thinkin about ditchin the whole diesel idea anyway because of the cost and plus my parents dont think its right for a teenager to have a diesel, so IDK.
Dude, believe me, ive done enough searches for dodge pickups, and the whole "03 for 12g's" is a load of crap. The only way you will get an 03 for 12g is if it is a 2 door short bed with ALOT of miles or if it has been recked. Just trust me on that one.
You know what, everything you said is completely true. And guess what, my dad agrees with you 100%. He doesnt think that I would have enough experience to do that. I am going to live with my uncle on the farm during the summer for a couple weeks so i will get some experience there towing trailers and driving trucks. That will help me learn a little bit i guess. I will probably go with your deal and do it after college or something.
You will learn more honestly working hard on a good farm than you would behind a desk with a teacher standing at the front of the room. I don't care what the "you need college half your life!" crowd says, you can gather more experience working hard being put into situations that you have to figure out solutions and understanding the way the world works working on a farm/ranch better than anything else IMHO. It seems too many people these days can't figure out how to deal with problems, and most importantly come up with a working solution. So many people just roll their problems to the next cubicle or put it off until Friday afternoon. I know for sure, problems I have on the ranch, they are there Monday, and will be until solutions are made up. Nothing wrong with school, but coming from a family of farmers, and knowing the people I do that are a bunch of goof offs, farm work is a mild version of the army in a lot of ways. You learn a lot of discipline and a lot of common sence.
Yeah, most 3rd gens are 20K+ Yeck, even loaded clean 2nd gens like mine and others here on TRC are worth 20K+.
well then why is my 05 cummins worth 25k? and the 03 before now only 20k?? the last 02 half ton i looked at was 12,900. it was qc short bed hemi, with 39,000 miles. and ive seen many around that price. dodge just doesnt hold their value, and theres a reason.
It's a hemi, add 4-5k for a cummins. It also depends on your area and demand, they go for a high price here. I got mine for a good deal, and plan on hanging onto it for a while.