alright, alright, i know your trying to help. I like the Dodges Body Style and engines and i have heard way too much crap about the Fords and Chevys
I actually thought about that. There are these people that live on the street behind me and a couple houses over. They wanted to sell me their 1996 Chevy with a 350 for $4500. My parents would not let me have it because it had 167,000 miles on it. It kinda sucked. Plus they are hard to lift.
as much as i hate to say it id say soemthin like a toyota or a nissan 4x4 would be a good first vehicle run forever from what ive seen and your not spending a arm and a leg on it, i dotn know what youd call me for saying tha because ive never owned anything but gm and mopar, maybe its just im gettin older and ive seen how long they run lol but the ones my freinds had would go pretty much anywhere they wanted them to and i think they only had 33" tires on them....... and thinkin about career so early young skywalker buddy your got a few years before you have to worry about that, go work on the farm for the summer and do normal high school stuff man keep your grades up play football and chase some of those hotties at school cause in a few years after college if ya go your not gonna want to look back at a young life of work lol work is great and a important part of life im only 30 so im not too much older so im just lettin ya knwo the years fly by ya once your outta school and ya get fed up with playing the adult soon enough im sure most of the guys on here will agree if we had a chance to go back to high school again weed be droolin at the chance enjoy the years now while you can bro. cause like the old sayin goes if i only knew then what i know now lol i hope nobody thinks im tellin ya to go party your ass off cause im not....... you get to do that in college if ya keep your grades up hehehehe
i agree with rockn get what ya want, the only reason i said get a ricer is from my experiances lol my first was a 81 but a piece of **** i spent more on repairs than i did on the initial purchase of the vehicle. i got the first thing i could possibly get and thats not the rite thing to do.... i figured out with that first vehicle its better to save and wait a lil longer for somethign realiable, just tryin to save ya some aggravation jeremy
I agree on the ricere thay are hard to beat maybe a FJ truck would be nice or a long wheel base Sami and my first Bronco was the same drove me into the poor house.
Man, im doin everything ur sayin from the grades to the football, everything. Ive got great grades. And i have to get a job, i have no choice. And im not gonna call u anything for sayin i should buy a toyota or a nissan but theres no way i would drive one. My mom wants either a Silverado, an H3, or a Toyota Tacoma, and im trying to get her to stick with the American Vehicles.
oh im not tellin ya not to get a job no way lol i had to have one too just dont be worrying about your career just yet bro. and they ricer thing...i have a 3 1/2 yr old boy and if he was turning 16 heed be gettin something realiable period. im with ya though i wont drive anything unless its american made or should i say have an american name on iit since pretty close to nothing is made here anymore. and when i was younger i didnt want anything wiht less than a v-8 i dotn knwo about the hemis but i had a 96 with a 360 in it and it was a pooch and not that great on gas at all. if your getting a gasser v-8 iwould go with GM on that for sure im a dodge guy but the gm gassers are hard to beat. anyway you sound like your on the rite path so no worries mate. i was just puttin my 2 cents in like i said tryin to save ya soem aggravation. just keep up the great school work and go to college dude itll keep ya outta the "real world" for that much longer i never went and boy i wish i had. chances are id still be doing what im doing now construction for our family buisness but theres alot ya miss out on if ya dont go. by the way what position do ya play?
Last year, I was on the starting D-line as a D-tackle, which is pretty good for only being 5'6'' and 160, which is also very good because I started in front of guys bigger than me. Now im about 5'7'' and 180 pounds. Weight protien makes u gain weight fast!!! This year I am goin to move over in the D-line to D-end. The only reason I start is because I am the fastest lineman with a 40 of 5.0 seconds. I am also one of the strongest. I do 120% of my bodyweight on Bench. And i max 360lbs on Squats and im goin for the school record my sophmore year, so im a pretty strong freshman so not alot of people mess with me cause im stronger than alot of people in our school. By the way, I am trying to get the best GPA i can so I can go to Denver University, which if you dont know, is a private school, and is one of the best business schools in the world, so ive got education covered.
rite on man, played dt and de as well as ot and og. i always thought end was fun. ya the whey protiein will bulk ya up. ive got soem of that now as well as soem other crap from gnc im tryin to get my ass back in shape lol
yeah I had a buddy who was six six and three hundred and thirty pounds he loved all the items they sold at GNC nearly spent his whole check there one a month or more. I myself need to get back into working out heck I pay for a membership with my wife but for some reason we never make it I dsay she doent want to work out and tries to foul me out..rotfl I honeslty dont know its a lack of disapline on my behalf I should say.... But it is easier to blame others hey how did this get off the trucks so easily.
i dont know what crap youve heard, but the f 150's with the 5.4 are great great trucks. i worked at a ford dealer and those trucks were averaging their first problems around 150,000 miles. so thats just from my experience there. ford makes a REALLY good truck. i dont think u should over look them. but hey its all prefrence i guess. and you know get what makes you happy. if its a dodge great, its the feeling of having a big 4x4 sitiin in your drive way. thats what makes me happy.
o to go back to high school. i know im not that old but i would of done alot of things different. o well! enjoy life man! have alot of fun, keep the grades up and go party in college!!
Im already partying! lol. Ya, thats true, I would really love to just have a big ass truck sitting in my driveway with a lift and big tires and a whole bunch of stuff done to it knowing that I am happy and I can do whatever I want whenever I want with my truck (especially during a snowstorm......which is very common in Colorado)
Hey, good news, only like 104 days until i get my first truck! I decided im going to do a countdown for myself. Can you blame me? It is my first truck! Man, I cant wait, I am so friggin excited!
I agree 110% Hard work and hard knocks are worth alot more in life than a college degree IMO. Im not saying college is worthless...its just worthless for me.
Ya but my parents expect very highly of me and expect me to go to Denver University for a Major in Business. Im going to the farm anyway over summer so I will learn some lessons while im there i guess. Only 93 days left!