Just wondering what you all prefer for securing your loads. Or Stole those pics from the bigtextrailer.com site. waytogo I'd imagine the ratchet one would allow one to get the load secured tighter but might be wrong?? Anyone use other items? What are you car haulin people using??
lever binders. work great unless compressing soft suspenion. once you use them a few times your good.........
Some oil companies like Chevron will not allow a lever binder to be used on their oilfield locations. Rachet binders only. I use lever binders though.
That's interesting. Any idea for their reasoning? I'd imagine because of the potential injury they could cause? Used them before and can get you if you arn't carefull.
we use the heavy duty rachet straps most of the time, occasionaly chains with the leverbinder but not as often
I have a bunch of small rachet straps for light loads, a bunch of HD 10klb straps for heavy loads and Cars, and chains with both kinds of binders for cars and other heavy stuff
We generally use a couple chains with level binders and a pipe to get more leverage on them. We also have a couple of ratcheting straps for smaller/more easily damaged stuff.
ive only used the first kind, HATE THEM!! last time i ended up punching myself in the face when it finally crosse the swinging point...
Have used all the types mentioned. I prefer the ratchet chain binders but they are really expensive. I have had the other binders come loose if not pulled tight enough.
I watched a guy lose a finger using the first one. would never use them. Use the second one all the time work great
"I watched a guy lose a finger using the first one" damn it takes at least 2 weeks to grow one of those back