Ok I want some A/T tires, that are E load rated. I'd like them to be at least a 265. I thought about the BFG a/t's but they don't have any E rated tires. for the size i need.
i know that a lot of people are running d rated bfg's w/o any problems... i would think that the only time you would really need e rated is if you had one of those slide in camper things... and especially since you have a dually the d rated should be fine.
Well I found the Procomp A/Ts for the 265/70-17 are E rated I think, I might go with those unless you really think the d's will be ok with me.
I've seen alot of guys running D's, but the E's are on there for an extra safety margin. Personally, I like the Pro-comps better. I have gotten more mileage out of them and I feel they are a bit quieter. Just my opinion.waytogo
i am saving up for the new pro-comp extreme all terreign... http://www.4wheelparts.com/4wp/products/productLine.asp?cat=TIR&prodline=3618&catName=&man=PCTC
I had run both the bfg and pro comp at's on my suburban. I personally liked the pro comps better. I used it 90% on the street, so I didn't want anything more agressive.
What about the Toyo AT? 285 70R17, 32.7" tall, E range with 3750lbs at 80psi? I sell them for a pretty good price. . . . .
if he has a dually then he will have problems w/ them touching... toyo makes this tire in a 235 80 17 E range as well as mastercraft A/T... if you want the 265 70 17 then mastercraft has a E range tire, but the toyo is only a D range... master craft is a division of cooper, so you could look for a cooper dealer and i'm sure they could get them for you... i would be skeptical of the 265's on a dually also, especially when loaded down...
I run the nitto a/t 285/70 17 on my dually and have no problem with them touching loaded or unloaded.I do not run any spacers and the tire are E rated. Much better than the BFG's a/t I had on That were not E rated.
My stock tires are BFG "rugged trail" something someting something, and the tread pattern is almost identicle to the standard at's, and there E rated.
I run Toyo open country AT's on my 05 dually, 265/70-17's. No spacer, no rubbing. AWESOME tires. Expensive but well worth it in my book.
When you are towing how much weight do you have and u mentioned in the upgrades that you have a 2inch level kit...I am wanting to level my dually as well but what will happen when i put a 40 ft goose neck do i need airbags in the back to keep level??
not a A/t but ive been looking at the tsr super swamper SSR e rated mud tires....i only know of a cpl companies with the e rated mud tires.tsr, goodyear has 1 in a 37 inch tire, toyo i think has some...anyone have any experiance towing with theese im lookin at the 35" size of mudder and if there are any other good mud tires out there that have e ratings lemme know
I dont know if i would have tires that big with a 40' trailer, tyour going to get alot of sidewall flex, and the back end will squirm under the weight, I just put 35" bfg M/T's on and with just a little load i can feel the shake.
I'm due for a new set. Going with Good Year's Silent Armor They're "E-Rated" I pull a 15K 5th wheel Toyhauler.