I am planning on buying a 2 car flat trailer. Just wanting to get an idea of pros and cons of a gooseneck vs reg hitch type. I guess that there are benefits to both as they make a ton of each of them. Any help is appreciated Thanks
For that big of a trailer you deffinetly want a goose. A bumperpull for 2 rigs will have to be at least 30ft which is long for a bumperpull IMO. That trailer will weigh about 4000lbs empty and with 2 4000lb rigs on it 16000lbs. The trailer will probably only have a 14k gvw so you would be overweight. Plus the biggest aftermarket reciever that I know of is only rated at 15k. A gooseneck trailer will be similar to the bumperpull but you can get them with higher GVWs and goosenecks tow SOOOO much nicer than bumperpulls.
i agree with one car id say a bumper pull would be fine but 2 is a lil much and the gooses do ride with loads alot better
Thanks a lot. I think I'll go with the gooseneck. There don't seem to be any benefits to using a bumper pull trailer. Again thanks a lot. Rusty
"There don't seem to be any benefits to using a bumper pull trailer." ......... it all depends on what your haulin....if its heavy or just a plain big load then ya gooseneck but if its not that big of a load a bumper trailer hooks up alot faster and for smaller loads its less of a hassel to manuver around(generally because the bumper trailers are shorter than the goosenecks in most cases) IMO